log4r is a fast, lightweight, object-oriented approach to logging in R based on the widely-emulated Apache Log4j project.
log4r differs from other R logging packages in its focus on
performance and simplicity. As such, it has fewer features – although it
is still quite extensible, as seen below – but is much faster. See
vignette("performance", package = "log4r")
for details.
The package is available from CRAN:
If you want to use the development version, you can install the package from GitHub as follows:
# install.packages("remotes")
Logging is configured by passing around logger
objects created by
. By default, this will log to the console and suppress
messages below the "INFO"
logger <- logger()
info(logger, "Located nearest gas station.")
#> INFO [2019-09-04 16:31:04] Located nearest gas station.
warn(logger, "Ez-Gas sensor network is not available.")
#> WARN [2019-09-04 16:31:04] Ez-Gas sensor network is not available.
debug(logger, "Debug messages are suppressed by default.")
Logging destinations are controlled by Appenders, a few of which are provided by the package. For instance, if we want to debug-level messages to a file:
log_file <- tempfile()
logger <- logger("DEBUG", appenders = file_appender(log_file))
info(logger, "Messages are now written to the file instead.")
debug(logger, "Debug messages are now visible.")
#> [1] "INFO [2019-09-04 16:31:04] Messages are now written to the file instead."
#> [2] "DEBUG [2019-09-04 16:31:04] Debug messages are now visible."
The appenders
parameter takes a list, so you can log to multiple
destinations transparently.
To control the format of the messages you can change the Layout used by each appender. Layouts are functions; you can write your own quite easily:
my_layout <- function(level, ...) {
paste0(format(Sys.time()), " [", level, "] ", ..., collapse = "")
logger <- logger(appenders = console_appender(my_layout))
info(logger, "Messages should now look a little different.")
#> 2019-09-04 16:31:04 [INFO] Messages should now look a little different.
Older APIs
The 0.2 API is still supported:
logger <- create.logger()
logfile(logger) <- log_file
level(logger) <- "INFO"
debug(logger, 'A Debugging Message')
info(logger, 'An Info Message')
warn(logger, 'A Warning Message')
error(logger, 'An Error Message')
fatal(logger, 'A Fatal Error Message')
#> [1] "INFO [2019-09-04 16:31:05] An Info Message"
#> [2] "WARN [2019-09-04 16:31:05] A Warning Message"
#> [3] "ERROR [2019-09-04 16:31:05] An Error Message"
#> [4] "FATAL [2019-09-04 16:31:05] A Fatal Error Message"
The package is available under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.