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loo (version 2.1.0)

kfold-generic: Generic function for K-fold cross-validation for developers


For developers of modeling packages, loo includes a generic function kfold so that methods may be defined for K-fold CV without name conflicts between packages. See, e.g., the kfold.stanreg method in rstanarm and the kfold.brmsfit method in brms.


kfold(x, ...)




A fitted model object.


Arguments to pass to specific methods.


For developers defining a kfold method for a class "foo", the kfold.foo function should return a list with class c("kfold", "loo") with at least the elements

  • "estimates": a 1x2 matrix with column names "Estimate" and "SE" containing the ELPD estimate and its standard error.

  • "pointwise": an Nx1 matrix with column name "elpd_kfold" containing the pointwise contributions for each data point.