u <- r3vel(10)
v <- r3vel(10)
w <- r3vel(10)
x <- as.3vel(c(0.4,0.1,-0.5))
y <- as.3vel(c(0.1,0.2,-0.7))
z <- as.3vel(c(0.2,0.3,-0.1))
gyr(u,v,x) # gyr[u,v]x
f <- gyrfun(u,v)
g <- gyrfun(v,u)
f(g(x)) - x # zero, by eqn 9
g(f(x)) - x # zero, by eqn 9
(x+y) - f(y+x) # zero by eqn 10
(u+(v+w)) - ((u+v)+f(w)) # zero by eqn 11
# Following taken from Sbitneva 2001:
rbind(x+(y+(x+z)) , (x+(y+x))+z) # left Bol property
rbind((x+y)+(x+y) , x+(y+(y+x))) # left Bruck property
sol(299792458) # speed of light in SI
as.3vel(c(1000,3000,1000)) + as.3vel(c(1000,3000,1000))
## should be close to Galilean result
sol(1) # revert to default c=1
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