## We will reflect some photons from an oblique mirror moving at half
## the speed of light.
## First create 'A', a bunch of photons all moving roughly along the x-axis:
A <- as.photon(as.3vel(cbind(0.9,runif(10)/1000,runif(10)/1000)))
## Now create 'm', a mirror oriented perpendicular to c(1,1,1):
m <- c(1,1,1)
## Reflect the photons in the mirror:
## Reflect the photons in a series of mirrors:
A |> reflect(m) |> reflect(1:3) |> reflect(3:1)
## To reflect from a moving mirror we need to transform to a frame in
## which the mirror is at rest, then transform back to the original
## frame. First create B, a boost representing the mirror's movement
## along the x-axis at speed c/2:
B <- boost(as.3vel(c(0.5,0,0)))
## Transform to the mirror's rest frame:
A %*% t(B)
## NB: in the above, take a transpose because the *rows* of A are 4-vectors.
## Then reflect the photons in the mirror:
reflect(A %*% t(B),m)
## Now transform back to the original rest frame (NB: active transform):
A |> tcrossprod(B) |> reflect(m) |> tcrossprod(solve(B))
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