u <- as.3vel(c(-0.7, 0.1,-0.1))
v <- as.3vel(c( 0.1, 0.2, 0.3))
w <- as.3vel(c( 0.5, 0.2,-0.3))
x <- r3vel(10) # random three velocities
y <- r3vel(10) # random three velocities
u+v # add3(u,v)
u-v # add3(u,neg3(v))
-v # neg3(v)
## package is vectorized:
f <- gyrfun(u,v)
g <- gyrfun(v,u)
f(g(x)) - x # should be zero by eqn10
g(f(x)) - x
(u+v) - f(v+u) # zero by eqn 10
(u+(v+w)) - ((u+v)+f(w)) # zero by eqn 11
((u+v)+w) - (u+(v+g(w))) # zero by eqn 11
## NB, R idiom is unambiguous. But always always ALWAYS use brackets.
## Ice report in lat 42.n to 41.25n Long 49w to long 50.30w saw much
## heavy pack ice and great number large icebergs also field
## ice. Weather good clear
## -u+v == (-u) + v == neg3(u) + v == add3(neg3(u),v)
## u+v+w == (u+v)+w == add3(add3(u,v),w)
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