# Show template for a deterministic.g.function (comments will not be
# shown, see below for comments)
# Show template for a deterministic.Q.function (comments will not be
# shown, see below for comments)
# Use MaintainTreatment
rexpit <- function(x) rbinom(n = length(x), size = 1, prob = plogis(x))
n <- 100
W <- rnorm(n)
A1 <- rexpit(W)
A2 <- as.numeric(rexpit(W) | A1) #treatment at time 1 implies treatment at time 2
Y <- rexpit(W + A1 + A2 + rnorm(n))
data <- data.frame(W, A1, A2, Y)
result <- ltmle(data, Anodes = c("A1", "A2"), Ynodes = "Y", abar = c(1, 1),
deterministic.g.function = MaintainTreatment)
# deterministic.g.function_template with comments:
deterministic.g.function_template <- function(data, current.node, nodes) {
# data: the 'data' data.frame passed to ltmle/ltmleMSM current.node: the
# column index of data corresponding to the A or C node (see
# is.deterministic below) nodes: list of column indicies, components: A,
# C, L, Y, AC (Anodes and Cnodes combined and sorted), LY (Lnodes and
# Ynodes combined, sorted, 'blocks' removed - see ?ltmle) Note that nodes
# may be passed to ltmle as either the names of nodes or numerical column
# indicies, but they are all converted to numerical indicies before
# deterministic.g.function is called
# deterministic.g.function will be called at all Anodes and Cnodes
# return(NULL) is equivalent to return(list(is.deterministic=rep(FALSE,
# nrow(data)), prob1=numeric(0)))
# define is.deterministic here: vector of logicals, length=nrow(data)
# define prob1 here: the probability that data[is.deterministic,
# current.node] == 1, vector of length 1 or
# length(which(is.deterministic))
is.deterministic <- stop("replace me!")
prob1 <- stop("replace me!")
return(list(is.deterministic = is.deterministic, prob1 = prob1))
# deterministic.Q.function_template with comments:
deterministic.Q.function_template <- function(data, current.node, nodes,
called.from.estimate.g) {
# data: the 'data' data.frame passed to ltmle/ltmleMSM current.node: the
# column index of data corresponding to the A or C node (see
# is.deterministic below) nodes: list of column indicies, components: A,
# C, L, Y, AC (Anodes and Cnodes combined and sorted), LY (Lnodes and
# Ynodes combined, sorted, 'blocks' removed - see ?ltmle)
# called.from.estimate.g: TRUE or FALSE - your function will be called
# with called.from.estimate.g=TRUE during estimation of g and
# called.from.estimate.g=FALSE during estimation of Q. During estimation
# of g, only the is.deterministic element of the return list will be
# used. Note that nodes may be passed to ltmle as either the names of
# nodes or numerical column indicies, but they are all converted to
# numerical indicies before deterministic.Q.function is called
# It is not necessary to specify that deterministic Y events (Y==1)
# indicate a deterministic Q value of 1; this is automatic
# if the survivalFunction input to ltmle/ltmleMSM is TRUE.
# deterministic.Q.function will be called at all Lnodes and Ynodes (after
# removing 'blocks') and Anodes and Cnodes (see called.from.estimate.g
# above) return(NULL) is equivalent to
# return(list(is.deterministic=rep(FALSE, nrow(data)),
# Q.value=numeric(0)))
# define is.deterministic here: vector of logicals, length=nrow(data)
# define Q.value here: the iterated expectation of the final Y, vector of
# length 1 or length(which(is.deterministic))
is.deterministic <- stop("replace me!")
Q.value <- stop("replace me!")
return(list(is.deterministic = is.deterministic, Q.value = Q.value))
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