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lubridate (version 1.3.2)

ymd: Parse dates according to the order in that year, month, and day elements appear in the input vector.


Transforms dates stored in character and numeric vectors to POSIXct objects. These functions recognize arbitrary non-digit separators as well as no separator. As long as the order of formats is correct, these functions will parse dates correctly even when the input vectors contain differently formatted dates. See examples.


ymd(..., quiet = FALSE, tz = "UTC",
    locale = Sys.getlocale("LC_TIME"), truncated = 0)


a character or numeric vector of suspected dates
logical. When TRUE function evalueates without displaying customary messages.
a character string that specifies which time zone to parse the date with. The string must be a time zone that is recognized by the user's OS.
locale to be used, see locales. On linux systems you can use system("locale -a") to list all the installed locales.
integer. Number of formats that can be truncated.


  • a vector of class POSIXct


ymd family of functions automatically assign the Universal Coordinated Time Zone (UTC) to the parsed dates. This time zone can be changed with force_tz.

If truncated parameter is non-zero ymd functions also check for truncated formats. For example ymd with truncated = 2 will also parse incomplete dates like 2012-06 and 2012.

NOTE: ymd family of functions are based on strptime which currently correctly parses "%y" format, but fails to parse "%y-%m" formats.

As of version 1.3.0, lubridate's parse functions no longer return a message that displays which format they used to parse their input. You can change this by setting the lubridate.verbose option to true with options(lubridate.verbose = TRUE).

See Also

parse_date_time for an even more flexible low level mechanism.


Run this code
x <- c("09-01-01", "09-01-02", "09-01-03")
## "2009-01-01 UTC" "2009-01-02 UTC" "2009-01-03 UTC"
x <- c("2009-01-01", "2009-01-02", "2009-01-03")
## "2009-01-01 UTC" "2009-01-02 UTC" "2009-01-03 UTC"
ymd(090101, 90102)
## "2009-01-01 UTC" "2009-01-02 UTC"
now() > ymd(20090101)

## heterogenuous formats in a single vector:
x <- c(20090101, "2009-01-02", "2009 01 03", "2009-1-4",
       "2009-1, 5", "Created on 2009 1 6", "200901 !!! 07")

## What lubridate might not handle:

## Extremely weird cases when one of the separators is "" and some of the
## formats are not in double digits might not be parsed correctly:
ymd("201002-01", "201002-1", "20102-1")
dmy("0312-2010", "312-2010")

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