- FlightDate
a date variable of the day of the flight
- UniqueCarrier
factor variable of the carrier (using the two letter abbreviation)
- FlightNum
numeric variable of the flight number
- CRSDepTime
scheduled departure time in hhmm format
- DepTime
actual departure time in hhmm format
- CRSArrTime
scheduled arrival time in hhmm format
- ArrTime
actual arrival time in hhmm format
- TaxiOut
numeric variable of the taxi out time in minutes
- TaxiIn
numeric variable of the taxi in time in minutes
- ArrDelay
Arrival delay, in Minutes
- DepDelay
Departure delay, in Minutes
- CarrierDelay
Carrier Delay, in Minutes
- WeatherDelay
Weather Delay, in Minutes
- NASDelay
National Air System Delay, in Minutes
- SecurityDelay
Security Delay, in Minutes
- LateAircraftDelay
Late Aircraft Delay, in Minutes