Learn R Programming

maditr (version 0.8.4)

columns: Selects columns or rows from the data set


  • columns: select columns from dataset. There are four ways of column selection:

  1. Simply by column names

  2. By variable ranges, e. g. vs:carb. Alternatively, you can use '%to%' instead of colon: 'vs %to% carb'.

  3. With regular expressions. Characters which start with '^' or end with '$' considered as Perl-style regular expression patterns. For example, '^Petal' returns all variables started with 'Petal'. 'Width$' returns all variables which end with 'Width'. Pattern '^.' matches all variables and pattern '^.*my_str' is equivalent to contains "my_str"'.

  4. By character variables with interpolated parts. Expression in the curly brackets inside characters will be evaluated in the parent frame with text_expand. For example, a{1:3} will be transformed to the names 'a1', 'a2', 'a3'. 'cols' is just a shortcut for 'columns'. See examples.

  • rows: select rows from dataset by logical conditions.


columns(data, ...)

cols(data, ...)

rows(data, ...)







unquoted or quoted column names, regex selectors or variable ranges for 'columns' and logical conditions for 'rows'.


Run this code

## columns
mtcars %>%
    columns(vs:carb, cyl)
mtcars %>%
    columns(-am, -cyl)

# regular expression pattern
columns(iris, "^Petal") %>% head() # variables which start from 'Petal'
columns(iris, "Width$") %>% head() # variables which end with 'Width'
# move Species variable to the front.
# pattern "^." matches all variables
columns(iris, Species, "^.") %>% head()
# pattern "^.*i" means "contains 'i'"
columns(iris, "^.*i") %>% head()
# numeric indexing - all variables except Species
columns(iris, 1:4) %>% head()

# variable expansion
dims = c("Width", "Length")
columns(iris, "Petal.{dims}") %>% head()

# rows

mtcars %>%
    rows(am==0) %>%

# select rows with compound condition
mtcars %>%
    rows(am==0 & mpg>mean(mpg))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab