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mads (version 0.1.6)

execute.multi.analysis: Performs Multiple Analyses on Distance Data


Analyses are performed for multiple species contained within the same dataset. Individual detection function analyses of each species must have already been completed using the ddf function in the mrds library. This function may then perform additional tasks such as assessing variance via a non-parametric bootstrap, including covariate variability via a parametric bootstrap, including model uncertainty and dealing with species codes which relate to unidentified sightings.


  unidentified.sightings = NULL,
  species.presence = NULL,
  covariate.uncertainty = NULL,
  ddf.model.options = list(criterion = "AIC", species.field.name = "species"),
  dht.options = list(convert.units = 1),
  bootstrap.options = list(resample = "samples", n = 1, quantile.type = 7),
  silent = FALSE



vector of all the species codes to be included in the analysis


a list with an element for each unidentified code which contains a vector of corresponding identified species codes or NULL if not required


must be specified if species.code.definitions is specified. A list with an element for each strata which contains the vector of species codes present in that strata


a dataframe detailing the variables to be resampled - variable.layer, variable.name, cor.factor.layer, cor.factor.name , uncertainty.layer, uncertainty.name, uncertainty.measure, sampling.distribution. or NULL if not required


a list of character vectors of model names with the elements named by species code


a list of all the ddf models named in models.by.species.code


a list of options 1) selection.criterion either "AIC", "AICc" or "BIC" 2) species.field.name describing the field name in the ddf dataset containing species codes.


dataframe of region records - Region.Label and Area


dataframe of sample records - Region.Label, Sample.Label, Effort


dataframe of observation records with fields object, Region.Label, and Sample.Label which give links to sample.table, region.table and the data records used in model


list containing option for dht: convert.units indicated if the distance measurement units are different from shapefile and transect coordinate units.


if TRUE resamples data to obtain variance estimate


a list of options that can be set 1) n: number of repetitions 2) resample: how to resample data ("samples", "observations")


boolean used to suppress progress counter output


object of class "ma" which consists of a list of objects of class "ma.element". Each "ma.element" consists of the following elements:


Summary, N (abundance) and D (density) tables


Summary, N (abundance) and D (density) tables


Expected cluster size table


Model details including a summary of convergence and selection as well as parameter estimates for selected models.


This is a new package with limited testing on real data, please drop me a line if you plan on using it (lhm[at]st-and.ac.uk).

The model fitting code in this function obtains its data and the model descriptions from the ddf objects passed in via the ddf.models argument.

If you wish to include model uncertainty then each model which you wish to be included in the analyses must have already been run and should be provided in the ddf.models argument. The model.names argument tells this function which "ddf" objects are associated with which species code in the dataset. This object must be constructed as a list of vectors. Each element in the list must be named corresponding to one of the species codes in the dataset and contain a character vector of object names.

For the majority of analyses the variance will be estimated using a non-parametric bootstrap, indicated by the bootstrap argument. You may select options for the bootstrap using the bootstrap.options argument. This is a list with elements specifying the number of repetitions and whether to resample samples within strata ($resample = "samples") or observations withing strata ($resample = "observations"). In addition, the bootstrap.covariates is a boolean argument specifying whether or not a parametric bootstrap should be performed on any of the covariates. The details of which variables should be resampled and from which distributions should be entered in the covariate.uncertainty dataframe. This dataframe should contain 7 columns with the following names: variable.layer, variable.name, cor.factor.layer, cor.factor.name, uncertainty.layer, uncertainty.name, uncertainty.measure and sampling.distribution. [Currently this is only implemented for the observation layer]. The variable.name and uncertainty.name should be the names of the variable in the dataset giving the covariate to be resampled and the variable containing the uncertainty respectively. The cor.factor.layer specifies the data layer which contains the correction factor variable, although alternatively "numeric" can be entered. The cor.factor.name specifies the name of the correction factor variable or the correction factor value if "numeric" was specified for the correction factor layer. The uncertainty.name should specify what values the uncertainty variable contains and should be one of "sd", "var" or "CV". The sampling.distribution should specify one of the following distributions to parametrically resample from "Normal", "Normal.Absolute", "Lognormal.BC", "Poisson" or "TruncPoissonBC". The remaining column in this dataset, variable.correction.factos, allows the user to specify a value by which the variable should be scaled. If this is not required this should be set to 1.

If there are unidentified sightings in the dataset then the unidentified.sightings argument should be true and a species.code.definitions list should be provided. This list must contain one element for every unidentified species code which should be named according to this code. Each element will contain a vector of identified species codes corresponding to those species which the unidentified code could have potentially been. This function uses this information to prorate the abundance estimated from the unidentified species codes to the relevant abundances from the identified codes. The prorating is done individually for each strata. The function can be forced not to prorate to any given species in any selected strata using the species.presence argument. This is a list containing one element for each strata, each must be named using the appropriate strata name. Each element should contain a vector of identified species codes corresponding to which species are present in each strata.


Marques, F.F.C. and S.T. Buckland. 2004. Covariate models for the detection function. In: Advanced Distance Sampling, eds. S.T. Buckland, D.R.Anderson, K.P. Burnham, J.L. Laake, D.L. Borchers, and L. Thomas. Oxford University Press. Gerodette, T. and Forcada, J. 2005 Non-recovery of two spotted and spinner dolphin populations in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 291:1-21.


Run this code
#Load the example data
ddf.data <- mads.data$dist.data
region.table <- mads.data$region.table
sample.table <- mads.data$sample.table
obs.table <- mads.data$obs.table

# Fit candidate detection function models using ddf in mrds
# Fit a half normal model
df.all.hn <- ddf(dsmodel = ~mcds(key = "hn", formula = ~ 1),
                 method='ds', data=ddf.data, meta.data=list(width=1))
# Fit a hazard rate model
df.all.hr <- ddf(dsmodel = ~mcds(key = "hn", formula = ~ 1),
                 method='ds', data=ddf.data, meta.data=list(width=1))

# Set up mads data:

# A vector of the species names
species.codes <- c("CD", "WSD", "Unid")

# A list defining which species the unidentified categories could be
unid.defs <- list("Unid" = c("CD", "WSD"))

# Specify which models are to be tried for each species code
mod.uncert <- list("CD" = c("df.all.hn", "df.all.hr"),
                   "WSD" = c("df.all.hn", "df.all.hr"),
                   "Unid" = c("df.all.hn", "df.all.hr"))
# Provide the models in a named list and the selection criteria
models <- list("df.all.hn" = df.all.hn,
               "df.all.hr" = df.all.hr)
model.opts <- list(criterion = "AIC")

# }
# Bootstrap options
bootstrap.opts <- list(resample = 'samples', n=999)

#Warning this will take some time to run!
results<- execute.multi.analysis( species.code = species.codes,
                                  unidentified.sightings = unid.defs,
                                  models.by.species.code = mod.uncert, 
                                  ddf.model.objects = models, 
                                  ddf.model.options = model.opts, 
                                  region.table = region.table, 
                                  sample.table = sample.table, 
                                  obs.table = obs.table, 
                                  bootstrap = TRUE, 
                                  bootstrap.option = bootstrap.opts)
# }
#Short example to run as per CRAN requirements - 
#   warning only 1 repetition, results not interpretable!
bootstrap.opts <- list(resample = 'samples', n=1)

results<- execute.multi.analysis( species.code = species.codes,
                                  unidentified.sightings = unid.defs,
                                  models.by.species.code = mod.uncert, 
                                  ddf.model.objects = models, 
                                  ddf.model.options = model.opts, 
                                  region.table = region.table, 
                                  sample.table = sample.table, 
                                  obs.table = obs.table, 
                                  bootstrap = TRUE, 
                                  bootstrap.option = bootstrap.opts)

#These are simulated data and true abundances are: 
#  CD (common dolphins) = 3000 
#  WSD (white sided dolphins) =  1500

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab