Count the codings from a ManifestoDocument
code_layers = c("cmp_code"),
with_eu_codes = "auto",
prefix = "per",
relative = TRUE,
include_codes = if ("cmp_code" %in% code_layers) { v4_categories() } else {
c() },
aggregate_v5_subcategories = TRUE
ManifestoDocument, ManifestoCorpus or vector of codes
vector of names of code layers to use, defaults to cmp_code; Caution: The layer eu_code is handled separately in the parameter with_eu_codes due to its different logic
Whether to include special EU code layer; by default ("auto") taken from the document's metadata
prefix for naming the count/percentage columns in the resulting data.frame
If true, percentages are returned, absolute counts else
Vector of categories that should be included even if they are not present in the data; the value of the created variables then defaults to 0.0 (or NA if no codes are present at all);
if TRUE, for handbook version 5 subcategories, the aggregate category's count/percentage is computed as well
A data.frame with onw row and the counts/percentages as columns