Effective number of Manifesto Issues suggested by Zac Greene. When using the measure please cite Greene 2015 (see reference below)
method = "shannon",
prefix = "per",
include_variables = paste0(prefix, setdiff(v4_categories(), "uncod")),
aggregate_categories = list(c(101, 102), c(104, 105), c(107, 109), c(108, 110),
c(203, 204), c(301, 302), c(406, 407), c(409, 414), c(504, 505), c(506, 507), c(601,
602), c(603, 604), c(607, 608), c(701, 702))
a data.frame in format of Manifesto Project Main Dataset
entropy measure used for the effective number of manifesto issues. Possible options are "shannon" for Shannon's H and "herfindahl" for the Herfindahl-Index.
Prefix of variable names to use (usually "per")
names of variables to include
list of category groups to aggregate into one issue. Default to selection used in Greene 2015
Greene, Z. (2015). Competing on the Issues How Experience in Government and Economic Conditions Influence the Scope of Parties' Policy Messages. Party Politics.