Computes party clarity measures suggested by Giebler/Lacewell/Regel/Werner 2015.
weighting_kind = "manifesto",
weighting_source = NULL,
auto_rescale_weight = TRUE,
auto_rescale_variables = TRUE,
dimensions = clarity_dimensions()
a dataframe in format of Manifesto Project Main Dataset
manifesto or election-specific weighting of the dimensions
name of variable with party importance (likely its importance within an election) weighting (can be rmps, pervote)
rescale party importance weighting within elections to 0-1
rescale dimension variables to 0-1
dimensions to be used, must be in the format of the return value of clarity_dimensions
a vector of clarity values
Giebler, Heiko, Onawa Promise Lacewell, Sven Regel and Annika Werner. 2015. Niedergang oder Wandel? Parteitypen und die Krise der repraesentativen Demokratie. In Steckt die Demokratie in der Krise?, ed. Wolfgang Merkel, 181-219. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.