Recodes the country variable of a dataset to 218 (Flanders parties) and 219 (Wallonia parties) from 21 for Belgium
wallonia_parties = c(21111, 21322, 21422, 21423, 21425, 21426, 21522, 21911),
brussels_parties = c(21424, 21912),
belgium_parties = c(21320, 21420, 21520),
flanders_parties = c(21112, 21221, 21321, 21330, 21421, 21430, 21521, 21913, 21914,
21915, 21916, 21917),
presplit_countrycode = 21,
data.frame in format of the Manifesto Project's Main Dataset
Party codes for the Wallonia half
Party codes for Brussel specific parties, are recoded to NA
Party codes for complete system, coded as presplit_countrycode
Party codes for the Flanders half
Country code for the belgium_parties