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manta (version 1.18.0)

manta-class: Microbial Assemblage Normalized Transcript Analysis - class


A simple list-based class for storing read counts from digital gene expression technologies and other important information for the analysis of (meta)transcriptomic data.


Slots/List Components

Objects of this class contain (at least) the following list components: counts: numeric matrix containing the read counts. samples: data.frame containing the library size and group labels. Additionally the class should contain the following meta/taxinomic information list components: meta: numeric matrix containing the read counts. meta.sum: data.frame containing the library size and group labels. Also, the list could also contain further optional information: genes: data.frame containing further gene annotation information for each row in counts.


This class inherits directly from class list so any operation appropriate for lists will work on objects of this class. manta objects also have a show method.

See Also
