Reprojects a SpatialPolygons object to a projection with longitude wrapping other than 180 degreess
wrapPoly(x,crs, buffer.width = 100*1000)
buffer.width=50*1000, densify.interval = 25*1000,
crop.distance = 2.1e7, crop.poles = FALSE, crop.leftright=FALSE,
remove.holes=TRUE, cycles = 2, ellipse=NULL)
A reprojected Spatial object.
A Spatial object
Caracther string representing a crs
buffer to add to points on border when cropping poloygons, defaults to 100km
interval when densifying
crop coordinates larger than this value
remove areas near the poles
remove points near 180 longitute line
fill holes in the crop region
iterations adding denser points
boundary of the world in crs coordinates
, examples in tpeqd