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The object loaded is a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
object containing a slightly modified version of Bjoern Sandvik's improved version of world\ - TM\_WORLD\_BORDERS\ dataset from the Mapping Hacks geodata site. The country Polygons objects and the data slot data frame row numbers have been set to the ISO 3166 three letter codes.
The format is: Formal class 'SpatialPolygonsDataFrame' [package "sp"] with 5 slots; the data clot contains a data.frame with 246 obs. of 11 variables:
factor of FIPS country codes
factor of ISO 2 character country codes
factor of ISO 3 character country codes
integer vector of UN country codes
Factor of country names
integer vector of area values
integer vector of population in 2005
integer vector of region values
integer vector of subregion values
numeric vector of longitude label points
numeric vector of latitude label points
The object is in geographical coordinates using the WGS84 datum.
# }
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