Creates list data structure from mvms specification
a list with the following elements: 1) mvms - the input specification,
2) nd - the number of dimensions, 3) df - the dataframe containing all combinations
of observations across dimensions including uncertain states, 4) df.states - the dataframe with all
combinations of states across dimensions, 5) uncertain - boolean vector with nd elements
indicating whether there is uncertainy in states for each dimension.
a multivariate multistate (mvms) specification as described above
Jeff Laake
Accepts a mvms specification which is a list with named character vectors and
optionally a vector named exclude. The length of the list (except for exclude)
is the multivariate dimension. The name of each dimension is the list element name.
Each character vector specifies the one character labels for the states of that dimension and optionally a
reserved character "u" to specify that there is state uncertainty for that
dimension. The name vector exclude can be used to remove variable combinations that cannot
occur in the data.
The code tests to make sure that the input mvms specification is of the correct
structure and it stops with an error message if not. The code returns a list
structure with a number of elements described under return value below.