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matrixStats (version 0.53.0)

rowRanks: Gets the rank of each row (column) of a matrix


Gets the rank of each row (column) of a matrix.


rowRanks(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, ties.method = c("max", "average",
  "min"), dim. = dim(x), ...)

colRanks(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, ties.method = c("max", "average", "min"), dim. = dim(x), preserveShape = FALSE, ...)


rows, cols

A vector indicating subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL, no subsetting is done.


A character string specifying how ties are treated. For details, see below.


An integer vector of length two specifying the dimension of x, also when not a matrix.


Not used.


A logical specifying whether the matrix returned should preserve the input shape of x, or not.


An integer matrix is returned. The rowRanks() function always returns an NxK matrix, where N (K) is the number of rows (columns) whose ranks are calculated.

The colRanks() function returns an NxK matrix, if preserveShape = TRUE, otherwise a KxN matrix.

for double.

Missing and non- values

These are ranked as NA, as with na.last = "keep" in the rank() function.


The row ranks of x are collected as rows of the result matrix.

The column ranks of x are collected as rows if preserveShape = FALSE, otherwise as columns.

The implementation is optimized for both speed and memory. To avoid coercing to doubles (and hence memory allocation), there is a unique implementation for integer matrices. It is more memory efficient to do colRanks(x, preserveShape = TRUE) than t(colRanks(x, preserveShape = FALSE)).

Any names of x are ignored and absent in the result.

See Also

rank(). For developers, see also Section 'Utility functions' in 'Writing R Extensions manual', particularly the native functions R_qsort_I() and R_qsort_int_I().