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sum2: Fast sum over subset of vector elements


Computes the sum of all or a subset of values.


sum2(x, idxs = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, mode = typeof(x), ...)




A numeric or logical vector of length N.


A vector indicating subset of elements to operate over. If NULL, no subsetting is done.


If TRUE, missing values are skipped, otherwise not.


A character string specifying the data type of the return value. Default is to use the same mode as argument x, unless it is logical when it defaults to "integer".


Not used.


Returns a scalar of the data type specified by argument mode. If mode = "integer", then integer overflow occurs if the sum is outside the range of defined integer values. Note that the intermediate sum (sum(x[1:n])) is internally represented as a floating point value and will therefore never be outside of the range. If mode = "integer" and typeof{x} == "double", then a warning is generated.


sum2(x, idxs) gives equivalent results as sum(x[idxs]), but is faster and more memory efficient since it avoids the actual subsetting which requires copying of elements and garbage collection thereof.

Furthermore, sum2(x, mode = "double") is equivalent to sum(as.numeric(x)) and may therefore be used to avoid integer overflow, but at the same time is much more memory efficient that the regular sum() function when x is an integer vector.

See Also

sum(). To efficiently average over a subset, see mean2().


Run this code
x <- 1:10
n <- length(x)

idxs <- seq(from = 1, to = n, by = 2)
s1 <- sum(x[idxs])                     # 25
s2 <- sum2(x, idxs = idxs)             # 25
stopifnot(identical(s1, s2))

idxs <- seq(from = n, to = 1, by = -2)
s1 <- sum(x[idxs])                     # 25
s2 <- sum2(x, idxs = idxs)             # 25
stopifnot(identical(s1, s2))

s1 <- sum(x)                           # 55
s2 <- sum2(x)                          # 55
stopifnot(identical(s1, s2))

# Total gives integer overflow
x <- c(.Machine$integer.max, 1L, -.Machine$integer.max)
s1 <- sum(x[1:2])                      # NA_integer_
s2 <- sum2(x[1:2])                     # NA_integer_
stopifnot(identical(s1, s2))

# Total gives integer overflow (coerce to numeric)
s1 <- sum(as.numeric(x[1:2]))          # 2147483648
s2 <- sum2(as.numeric(x[1:2]))         # 2147483648
s3 <- sum2(x[1:2], mode = "double")    # 2147483648
stopifnot(identical(s1, s2))
stopifnot(identical(s1, s3))

# Cumulative sum would give integer overflow but not the total
s1 <- sum(x)                           # 1L
s2 <- sum2(x)                          # 1L
stopifnot(identical(s1, s2))
# }

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