mclogit (version 0.9.6)

dispersion: Overdispersion in Multinomial Logit Models


The function dispersion() extracts the dispersion parameter from a multinomial logit model or computes a dispersion parameter estimate based on a given method. This dispersion parameter can be attached to a model using update(). It can also given as an argument to summary().


dispersion(object,method, ...)
# S3 method for mclogit
dispersion(object,method=NULL, ...)



an object that inherits class "mclogit". When passed to dispersion(), it should be the result of a call of mclogit() of mblogit(), without random effects.


a character string, either "Afroz", "Fletcher", "Pearson", or "Deviance", that specifies the estimator of the dispersion; or NULL, in which case the default estimator, "Afroz" is used. The estimators are discussed in Afroz et al. (2019).


other arguments, ignored or passed to other methods.


Afroz, Farzana, Matt Parry, and David Fletcher. (2020). "Estimating Overdispersion in Sparse Multinomial Data." Biometrics 76(3): 834-842. tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1111/biom.13194").


Run this code
library(MASS) # For 'housing' data

# Note that with a factor response and frequency weighted data,
# Overdispersion will be overestimated:
house.mblogit <- mblogit(Sat ~ Infl + Type + Cont, weights = Freq,
                         data = housing)



phi.Afroz <- dispersion(house.mblogit,method="Afroz")
summary(house.mblogit, dispersion=phi.Afroz)

summary(update(house.mblogit, dispersion="Afroz"))

# In order to be able to estimate overdispersion accurately,
# data like the above (which usually comes from applying
# '' to a contingency table) the model has to be
# fitted with the optional argument 'from.table=TRUE':
house.mblogit.corrected <- mblogit(Sat ~ Infl + Type + Cont, weights = Freq,
                                   data = housing, from.table=TRUE,
# Now the estimated dispersion parameter is no longer larger than 20,
# but just bit over 1.0.

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab