me.VI: EM for spherical, varying volume MVN mixture models
EM iteration (M-step followed by E-step) for estimating parameters in an
MVN mixture model having varying spherical variances and possibly one Poisson
noise term.
matrix of conditional probabilities. z should have a row for each observation
in data, and a column for each component of the mixture.
Lower bound on the estimated values of sigma-squared.
Default : .Machine$double.eps
The iteration is terminated if the relative error in the loglikelihood value
falls below tol. Default : sqrt(.Machine$double.eps).
Upper limit on the number of iterations. Default : Inf (no upper limit).
Logical variable indicating whether or not to assume equal proportions in the
mixture. Default : F.
Logical variable indicating whether or not to include a Poisson noise term in
the model. Default : F.
An estimate of the inverse hypervolume of the data region (needed only if
noise = T). Default : determined by function hypvol
the conditional probablilities at the final iteration (information about the
iteration is included as attributes).
G. Celeux and G. Govaert, Gaussian parsimonious clustering models,
Pattern Recognition,28:781-793 (1995).
A. P. Dempster, N. M. Laird and D. B. Rubin, Maximum Likelihood from
Incomplete Data via the EM Algorithm, Journal of the Royal Statistical
Society, Series B,39:1-22 (1977).
G. J. MacLachlan and K. E. Basford, The EM Algorithm and Extensions, Wiley,