mhtree.VVV(data, partition, min.clusters = 1, alpha = 1, beta = 1)
times the trace of the sample crossproduct matrix of all
the observations divided by the product of the data dimensions, is used for
the purpose of initalization.
The default value is 1.beta
times the trace of the sample crossproduct matrix for the
group divided by the number of observations in the group, is used for the
purpose of initialization.
The default value is 1."mhtree"
, which consists of a classification tree with
the following attributes:mhtree.VVV
and beta
are needed since the criteria are not
defined for groups for which the rank of the sample cross product matrix is
less than the dimension of the observations.C. Fraley, Algorithms for Model-based Gaussian Hierarchical Clustering,Technical Report No. 311, Department of Statistics, University of Washington (October 1996), to appear in SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing.
A. J. Scott and M. J. Simons, Clustering methods based on likelihood ratio criteria, Biometrics,27:387-397 (1971).
, mhclass
, awe
, partuniq
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