MCResultAnalytical object constructor with matrix in wide format as input.
newMCResultAnalytical(wdata, para, xmean, sample.names = NULL,
method.names = NULL, regmeth = "Unknown", cimeth = "analytical",
error.ratio = error.ratio, alpha = 0.05, weight = rep(1, nrow(wdata)))
Measurement data in matrix format. First column reference method (x), second column comparator method (y).
Regression parameters in matrix form. Rows: Intercept, Slope. Cols: EST, SE, LCI, UCI.
Global (weighted) mean of x-values.
Names of individual data points, e.g. barcodes of measured samples.
Names of reference and comparator method.
Name of statistical method used for regression.
Name of statistical method used for computing confidence intervals.
Ratio between standard deviation of reference and comparator method.
1 - significance level for confidence intervals.
numeric vector specifying the weights used for each point
MCResultAnalytical object containing regression results.