Method initializes newly created objects of class 'MCResultBCa'.
data = data.frame(X = NA, Y = NA),
para = matrix(NA, ncol = 4, nrow = 2),
xmean = 0,
mnames = c("unknown", "unknown"),
regmeth = "unknown",
cimeth = "unknown",
bootcimeth = "unknown",
alpha = 0.05,
glob.coef = c(0, 0),
glob.sigma = c(0, 0),
nsamples = 0,
nnested = 0,
B0jack = 0,
B1jack = 0,
B0 = 0,
B1 = 0,
MX = 0,
rng.seed = as.numeric(NA),
rng.kind = "unknown",
sigmaB0 = 0,
sigmaB1 = 0,
error.ratio = 0,
weight = 1
No return value
object to be initialized
empty data.frame
empty coefficient matrix
0 for init-purpose
empty method names vector
string specifying the regression-method
string specifying the confidence interval method
string specifying the method for bootstrap confidence intervals
value specifying the 100(1-alpha)% confidence-level
global coefficients
global sd values for regression parameters
number of samples for resampling
number of inner simulation for nested bootstrap
jackknife intercpet
jackknife slope
random number generator seed
type of the random number generator
SD for intercepts
SD for slopes
for deming regression
1 for each data point