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memgene (version 1.0.2)

mgMap: Visualization of MEMGENE variables


A high-level plotting interface for the bubble plot visualization of MEMGENE variables. If there are exactly two columns in memgene and therefore two MEMGENE variables to be plotted, then a single plotting window is created with the two plots side by side. Otherwise each MEMGENE variable is plotted in its own window unless.


mgMap(coords, memgene, wid = NULL, hei = NULL, dev.open = FALSE,
    add.plot = FALSE, legend = FALSE, ...)



A two column matrix or data.frame of x and y coordinates of sampling locations of individual genotypes


A matrix giving as columns the MEMGENE variables to be plotted (e.g. can be subsetted from the $memgene element produced by mgQuick)


The width of the plotting device to be created. If NULL the decision is made by the function.


The width of the plotting device to be created. If NULL the decision is made by the function.


If TRUE do not open a new plotting device.


If TRUE superimposing bubbles on an existing plot or map.


If TRUE add a legend to the plot

Additional parameters passed to the sr.value function modified from Borcard et al (2011).


Side effect. A plot is produced.


This function embeds slightly modified versions of sr.value, scatterutil.legend.bw.circle, and scatterutil.legend.circle.grey distributed with Borcard et al. (2012) which are themselves modified from similar functions distributed with the ade4 package under a GPL-2 license.


Borcard, D., Gillet, F., and Legendre. P. 2011. Numerical Ecology with R. Springer, New York.


Run this code
## Prepare the radial data for analysis
radialData <- read.csv(system.file("extdata/radial.csv", package="memgene"))
radialGen <- radialData[, -c(1,2)]
radialXY <- radialData[, 1:2]
if (require(adegenet)) {
  radialDM <- codomToPropShared(radialGen)
} else {
  stop("adegenent package required to produce genetic distance matrix in example.")

## Run the MEMGENE analysis
radialAnalysis <- mgQuick(radialDM, radialXY)

## Visualize the first two MEMGENE variables side-by-side
mgMap(radialXY, radialAnalysis$memgene[, 1:2])

## Visualize the first MEMGENE variable superimposed over a raster map
## with the same coordinate system, AND include a legend
if (require(raster)) {
    resistanceMap <- raster(system.file("extdata/radial.asc", package="memgene"))
    plot(resistanceMap, legend=FALSE)
    mgMap(radialXY, radialAnalysis$memgene[, 1], add.plot=TRUE, legend=TRUE)
} else {
    mgMap(radialXY, radialAnalysis$memgene[, 1], legend=TRUE)

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab