Plots for uncertainty evaluations produced by uncertMC
or calls
to uncert
with method=MC
# S3 method for uncertMC
plot(x, which = 1:2,
main=paste("Monte Carlo evaluation -",deparse(substitute(x))),
ask = prod(par("mfcol")) < length(which) && dev.interactive(),
caption = list("Histogram", "Q-Q plot", "Density",
"Correlation x-y", "Covariance x-y"),
xlab = paste(deparse(substitute(x)), "$y", sep = ""),
..., cex.caption = 1, cex.main = 1.25, lwd.y = 2, col.y = 2, lty.y,
col.qqline = NULL, lty.qqline = NULL, lwd.qqline = NULL)
invisibly returns NULL
An object of class uncertMC
produced by uncertMC()
with method="MC"
Integer in 1:5; the particular variant(s) of plot required.
A vector is permitted, in which case plots are produced in ascending order
of which
Main title for the plot
logical; if 'TRUE', the user is _ask_ed before each plot, see 'par("ask=")'
A list of captions for all the different plots.
x-axis label, currently passed only to the histogram plot.
Additional parameters passed to other functions. See details for which parameters are passed.
Expansion factor for individual plot captions; as cex
in par
Expansion factor for main title; as cex.main
in par
Line width and colour for the location line in the histogram and density plots. Setting lwd.y=0 suppresses the location line.
Graphical parameters for the Q-Q line in the Q-Q plot.
S. L. R. Ellison,
For uncert objects created with methods other than MC, the plot types are:
A histogram of the MC replicates in x$MC$y
with optional line for x$MC$y
. The histogram is produced using
A Q-Q plot of the MC replicates in x$MC$y
with Q-Q line. The plot uses qqnorm.default
. If datax
is not
present (in sQuote...), it is set to TRUE
A density plot of the MC replicates in x$MC$y
The plot calls density.default
to calculate the density and
to produce the plot.
A bar plot of eqncor(x_i,y) if x$y
is present. Any correlation method supported by stats::cor
be included in ‘...’ (e.g as method="pearson"
A bar plot of eqncov(x_i,y) if x$y
is present. Any correlation method supported by stats::cov
be included in ‘...’ (e.g as method="pearson"
Values outside 1:5 are silently ignored.
Parameters in ‘...’ are passed to the various plot methods or calculations called. Only those parameters relevant to a given plot are passed to each calculation or plotting function, so ‘...’ can include any parameter accepted by any of the functions called.
For the x-y correlation and x-y covariance plot, values in x$cor.xy
used if available. If not, stats::cor
or stats::cov
is called on values
in x$MC$y
and x$MC$x
if the latter is available
(i.e. uncertMC
was called with keep.x=TRUE
). If neither
nor x$MC$x
is present, or if method
unknown, the plot is skipped with a warning.
, hist
, qqline
, plot.density
expr <- expression(a/(b-c))
x <- list(a=1, b=3, c=2)
u <- lapply(x, function(x) x/20)
u.invexpr<-uncertMC(expr, x, u, distrib=rep("norm", 3), B=999, keep.x=TRUE )
plot(u.invexpr, which=1:4, pch=20, method="k")
# method="k" gives Kendall correlation
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