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read.rm5: Import RevMan 5 data files (.csv)


Reads data file from Cochrane Intervention review created with RevMan 5 and creates a data frame from it.


read.rm5(file, sep=",", quote = """, title,


The name of a file to read data values from.
The field separator character. Values on each line of the file are separated by this character. The comma is the default field separator character in RevMan 5.
The set of quoting characters. In RevMan 5 a """ is the default quoting character.
Title of Cochrane review.
A logical indicating whether comparision number and outcome number should be printed at the beginning of the comparison (argument complab) and outcome label (argument outclab); this is the default in RevMan 5.


  • A data frame containing the following components:
  • comp.noComparison number.
  • outcome.noOutcome number.
  • group.noGroup number.
  • studlabStudy label.
  • yearYear of publication.
  • event.eNumber of events in experimental group.
  • n.eNumber of observations in experimental group.
  • event.cNumber of events in control group.
  • n.cNumber of observations in control group.
  • mean.eEstimated mean in experimental group.
  • sd.eStandard deviation in experimental group.
  • mean.cEstimated mean in control group.
  • sd.cStandard deviation in control group.
  • O.EObserved minus expected (IPD analysis).
  • VVariance of O.E (IPD analysis).
  • TE, seTEEstimated treatment effect and standard error of individual studies.
  • lower.TE, upper.TELower and upper limit of 95% confidence interval for treatment effect in individual studies.
  • weightWeight of individual studies (according to meta-analytical method used in respective meta-analysis - see below for details).
  • orderOrdering of studies.
  • grplabGroup label.
  • typeType of outcome. D = dichotomous, C = continuous, P = IPD.
  • methodA character string indicating which method has been used for pooling of studies. One of "Inverse", "MH", or "Peto".
  • smA character string indicating which summary measure has been used for pooling of studies.
  • modelA character string indicating which meta-analytical model has been used (either "Fixed" or "Random").
  • comb.fixedA logical indicating whether fixed effect meta-analysis has been used in respective meta-analysis (see below for details).
  • comb.randomA logical indicating whether random effects meta-analysis has been used in respective meta-analysis (see below for details).
  • outclabOutcome label.
  • kTotal number of studies combined in respective meta-analysis).
  • event.e.pooledNumber of events in experimental group in respective meta-analysis (see below for details).
  • n.e.pooledNumber of observations in experimental group in respective meta-analysis (see below for details).
  • event.c.pooledNumber of events in control group in respective meta-analysis (see below for details).
  • n.c.pooledNumber of observations in control group in respective meta-analysis (see below for details).
  • TE.pooledEstimated treatment effect in respective meta-analysis (see below for details).
  • lower.TE, upper.TELower and upper limit of 95% confidence interval for treatment effect in respective meta-analysis (see below for details).
  • weight.pooledTotal weight in respective meta-analysis (see below for details).
  • Z.pooledZ-score for test of overall treatment effect in respective meta-analysis (see below for details).
  • pval.TE.pooledP-value for test of overall treatment effect in respective meta-analysis (see below for details).
  • QHeterogeneity statistic Q in respective meta-analysis (see below for details).
  • pval.QP-value of heterogeneity statistic Q in respective meta-analysis (see below for details).
  • I2Heterogeneity statistic I2 in respective meta-analysis (see below for details).
  • tau2Between-study variance (moment estimator of DerSimonian-Laird) in respective meta-analysis (see below for details).
  • Q.wHeterogeneity statistic Q within groups in respective meta-analysis (see below for details).
  • pval.Q.wP-value of heterogeneity statistic Q within groups in respective meta-analysis (see below for details).
  • I2.wHeterogeneity statistic I2 within groups in respective meta-analysis (see below for details).
  • label.eLabel for experimental group.
  • label.cLabel for control group.
  • label.leftGraph label on left side of forest plot.
  • label.rightGraph label on right side of forest plot.
  • RR.cochraneA logical indicating if 2*incr instead of 1*incr is to be added to n.e and n.c in the calculation of the relative risk (i.e., sm="RR") for studies with a zero cell. This is used in RevMan 5.
  • complabComparison label.


Review Manager 5 (RevMan 5) is the current software used for preparing and maintaining Cochrane Reviews (http://www.cc-ims.net/revman/). RevMan 5 includes the ability to write Systematic reviews of interventions, Diagnostic test accuracy reviews, Methodology reviews and Overviews of reviews. This function provides the ability to read a data file from a Cochrane Intervention review created with RevMan 5; a data frame is created from it. Cochrane Intervention reviews are based on the comparison of two interventions.

In order to generate a data analysis file in RevMan 5 use the following Menu points: "File" - "Export" - "Data and analyses". It is mandatory to include the following fields in the exported data file by selecting them with the mouse cursor in the Export Analysis Data Wizard: (i) Comparison Number, (ii) Outcome Number, (iii) Subgroup Number. When these fields are not selected a corresponding error message will be printed in R. It is recommended to include all fields in the exported data file except for the last field "Risk of bias tables". For example, in order to redo the meta-analysis in R for the RevMan 5 data type "O-E and Variance" the fields "O-E" and "Variance" have to be selected in the Export Analysis Data Wizard. If the last field "Risk of bias tables" is selected the import in R fails with an error message "line X did not have Y elements".

By default in RevMan 5, the name of the exported data file is the title of the Cochrane Review. Accordingly, information on the title is extracted from the name of the exported data file (argument: file) if argument title is missing (default). Each respective meta-analysis for arguments event.e.pooled -- df.pooled is defined by values for "comp.no" and "outcome.no", and "grp.no".


Review Manager (RevMan) [Computer program]. Version 5.1. Copenhagen: The Nordic Cochrane Centre, The Cochrane Collaboration, 2011.

See Also

metabin, metacont, metagen, metacr


Run this code
## Locate export data file "Fleiss93_CR.csv"
## in sub-directory of package "meta"
filename <- system.file("data/Fleiss93_CR.csv.gz", package = "meta")
Fleiss93_CR <- read.rm5(filename)

## Same result as R command example(Fleiss93):

## Same result as R command example(Fleiss93cont):
metacr(Fleiss93_CR, 1, 2)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab