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meta (version 7.0-0)

Pagliaro1992: Meta-analysis on Prevention of First Bleeding in Cirrhosis


Meta-analysis on Prevention of First Bleeding in Cirrhosis comparing beta-blocker or sclerotherapy with placebo.



A data frame with the following columns:

idstudy id
treat.exptreatment in experimental group
logORlog odds ratio
selogORstandard error of log odds ratio
bleed.expnumber of bleedings in experimental group
n.contnumber of observations in experimental group
bleed.placnumber of bleedings in placebo group
n.placnumber of observations in placebo group


Run this code
sclero <- subset(Pagliaro1992, treat.exp == "Sclerotherapy")

m <- metagen(logOR, selogOR, data = sclero, sm = "OR")

# Thompson & Sharp (1999), Table IV, method (2)
metabias(m, method = "Egger")

# Thompson & Sharp (1999), Table IV, method (3a)
metabias(m, method = "Thompson")

# Thompson & Sharp (1999), Table IV, method (3b)
update(m, method.tau = "ML")
metabias(update(m, method.tau = "ML"), method = "Thompson")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab