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meta (version 7.0-0)

meta-object: Description of R object of class "meta"


Detailed description of R objects of class "meta".



The following R functions create an object of class "meta":

  • metabin, metacont, metacor, metagen, metainc, metamean, metaprop, metarate, metacr, metamerge, trimfill

The following generic functions are available for an object of class "meta":

  • as.data.frame.meta, labels.meta, print.meta, print.summary.meta, summary.meta, update.meta, weights.meta

An object of class "meta" is a list containing the following components.

studlabStudy labels
smEffect measure
null.effectEffect under the null hypothesis
TEEffect estimates (individual studies)
seTEStandard error of effect estimates (individual studies)
statisticStatistics for test of effect (individual studies)
pvalP-values for test of effect (individual studies)
dfDegrees of freedom (individual studies)
levelLevel of confidence intervals for individual studies
lowerLower confidence limits (individual studies)
upperUpper confidence limits (individual studies)
three.levelIndicator variable for three-level meta-analysis model
clusterCluster variable (three-level meta-analysis model)
rhoWithin-cluster correlation (three-level meta-analysis model)
kNumber of estimates combined in meta-analysis
k.studyNumber of studies combined in meta-analysis
k.allNumber of all studies
k.TENumber of studies with estimable effects
overallPrint meta-analysis results
overall.hetstatPrint overall heterogeneity statistics
commonPrint results for common effect meta-analysis
randomPrint results for random effects meta-analysis
predictionPrint prediction interval
backtransfBack transform results in printouts and plots
methodMeta-analysis method (common effect model)
method.randomMeta-analysis method (random effects model)
w.commonWeights for common effect model (individual studies)
TE.commonEstimated overall effect (common effect model)
seTE.commonStandard error of overall effect (common effect model)
statistic.commonStatistic for test of overall effect (common effect model)
pval.commonP-value for test of overall effect (common effect model)
level.maLevel of confidence interval for meta-analysis estimates
lower.commonLower confidence limit (common effect model)
upper.commonUpper confidence limit (common effect model)
w.randomWeight for random effects model (individual studies)
TE.randomEstimated overall effect (random effects model)
seTE.randomStandard error of overall effect (random effects model)
statistic.randomStatistic for test of overall effect (random effects model)
pval.randomP-value for test of overall effect (random effects model)
method.random.ciConfidence interval method (random effects model)
df.randomDegrees of freedom (random effects model)
lower.randomLower confidence limit (random effects model)
upper.randomUpper confidence limit (random effects model)
seTE.classicStandard error (classic random effects method)
adhoc.hakn.ciAd hoc correction for Hartung-Knapp method (confidence interval)
df.hakn.ciDegrees of freedom for Hartung-Knapp method
(if used in meta-analysis)
seTE.hakn.ciStandard error for Hartung-Knapp method
(not taking ad hoc variance correction into account)
seTE.hakn.adhoc.ciStandard error for Hartung-Knapp method
(taking ad hoc variance correction into account)
df.keroDegrees of freedom for Kenward-Roger method
(if used in meta-analysis)
seTE.keroStandard error for Kenward-Roger method
method.predictMethod to calculate prediction interval
adhoc.hakn.piAd hoc correction for Hartung-Knapp method (prediction interval)
df.hakn.ciDegrees of freedom for Hartung-Knapp method
(prediction interval)
seTE.predictStandard error used to calculate prediction interval
df.predictDegrees of freedom for prediction interval
level.predictLevel of prediction interval
lower.predictLower limit of prediction interval
upper.predictUpper limit of prediction interval
seTE.hakn.piStandard error for Hartung-Knapp method
(not taking ad hoc variance correction into account)
seTE.hakn.adhoc.piStandard error for Hartung-Knapp method
(taking ad hoc variance correction into account)
QHeterogeneity statistic
df.QDegrees of freedom for heterogeneity statistic Q
pval.QP-value of heterogeneity test
method.tauMethod to estimate between-study variance \(\tau^2\)
controlAdditional arguments for iterative estimation of \(\tau^2\)
method.tau.ciMethod for confidence interval of \(\tau^2\)
tau2Between-study variance \(\tau^2\)
se.tau2Standard error of \(\tau^2\)
lower.tau2Lower confidence limit (\(\tau^2\))
upper.tau2Upper confidence limit (\(\tau^2\))
tauSquare-root of between-study variance \(\tau\)
lower.tauLower confidence limit (\(\tau\))
upper.tauUpper confidence limit (\(\tau\))
tau.presetPrespecified value for \(\tau\)
TE.tauEffect estimate used to estimate \(\tau^2\)
detail.tauDetail on between-study variance estimate
HHeterogeneity statistic H
lower.HLower confidence limit (heterogeneity statistic H)
upper.HUpper confidence limit (heterogeneity statistic H)
I2Heterogeneity statistic I\(^2\)
lower.I2Lower confidence limit (heterogeneity statistic I\(^2\))
upper.I2Upper confidence limit (heterogeneity statistic I\(^2\))
RbHeterogeneity statistic R\(_b\)
lower.RbLower confidence limit (heterogeneity statistic R\(_b\))
upper.RbUpper confidence limit (heterogeneity statistic R\(_b\))
method.biasMethod to test for funnel plot asymmetry
text.commonLabel for common effect model
text.randomLabel for random effects model
text.predictLabel for prediction interval
text.w.commonLabel for weights (common effect model)
text.w.randomLabel for weights (random effects model)
titleTitle of meta-analysis / systematic review
complabComparison label
outclabOutcome label
label.eLabel for experimental group
label.cLabel for control group
label.leftGraph label on left side of forest plot
label.rightGraph label on right side of forest plot
keepdataKeep original data
dataOriginal data (set) used in function call (if keepdata = TRUE)
subsetInformation on subset of original data used in meta-analysis
(if keepdata = TRUE)
excludeStudies excluded from meta-analysis
warnPrint warnings
callFunction call
versionVersion of R package meta used to create object

For subgroup analysis (argument subgroup), the following additional components are added to the list.

subgroupSubgroup information (for individual studies)
subgroup.nameName of subgroup variable
print.subgroup.namePrint name of subgroup variable
sep.subgroupSeparator between name of subgroup variable and value
test.subgroupPrint test for subgroup differences
prediction.subgroupPrint prediction interval for subgroup(s)
tau.commonAssumption of common between-study variance in subgroups
subgroup.levelsLevels of grouping variable
k.wNumber of estimates combined in subgroups
k.study.wNumber of studies combined in subgroups
k.all.wNumber of studies in subgroups
k.TE.wNumber of studies with estimable effects in subgroups
TE.common.wEstimated effect in subgroups (common effect model)
seTE.common.wStandard error in subgroups (common effect model)
statistic.common.wStatistic for test of effect in subgroups (common effect model)
pval.common.wP-value for test of effect in subgroups (common effect model)
lower.common.wLower confidence limit in subgroups (common effect model)
upper.common.wUpper confidence limit in subgroups (common effect model)
w.common.wTotal weight in subgroups (common effect model)
TE.random.wEstimated effect in subgroups (random effect model)
seTE.random.wStandard error in subgroups (random effects model)
statistic.random.wStatistic for test of effect in subgroups (random effects model)
pval.random.wP-value for test of effect in subgroups (random effects model)
df.random.wDegrees of freedom in subgroups (random effects model)
lower.random.wLower confidence limit in subgroups (random effects model)
upper.random.wUpper confidence limit in subgroups (random effects model)
w.random.wTotal weight in subgroups (random effects model)
seTE.classic.wStandard error (classic random effects method)
df.hakn.ci.wDegrees of freedom for Hartung-Knapp method in subgroups
seTE.hakn.ci.wStandard error for Hartung-Knapp method in subgroups
(not taking ad hoc variance correction into account)
seTE.hakn.adhoc.ci.wStandard error for Hartung-Knapp method in subgroups
df.kero.wDegrees of freedom for Kenward-Roger method in subgroups
seTE.kero.wStandard error for Kenward-Roger method in subgroups
seTE.predict.wStandard error for prediction interval in subgroups
df.predict.wDegrees of freedom for prediction interval in subgroups
lower.predict.wLower limit of prediction interval in subgroups
upper.predict.wUpper limit of prediction interval in subgroups
seTE.hakn.pi.wStandard error for Hartung-Knapp method in subgroups (prediction intervals)
(not taking ad hoc variance correction into account)
seTE.hakn.adhoc.pi.wStandard error for Hartung-Knapp method in subgroups (prediction intervals)
Q.wHeterogeneity statistic Q in subgroups
pval.Q.wP-value for test of heterogeneity in subgroups
tau2.wBetween-study variance \(\tau^2\) in subgroups
tau.wSquare-root of between-study variance \(\tau\) in subgroups
H.wHeterogeneity statistic H in subgroups
lower.H.wLower confidence limit for H in subgroups
upper.H.wUpper confidence limit for H in subgroups
I2.wHeterogeneity statistic I\(^2\) in subgroups
lower.I2.wLower confidence limit for I\(^2\) in subgroups
upper.I2.wUpper confidence limit for I\(^2\) in subgroups
Rb.wHeterogeneity statistic R\(_b\) in subgroups
lower.Rb.wLower confidence limit for R\(_b\) in subgroups
upper.Rb.wUpper confidence limit for R\(_b\) in subgroups
Q.w.commonWithin-group heterogeneity statistic Q (common effect model)
Q.w.randomWithin-group heterogeneity statistic Q (random effects model)
(only calculated if argument tau.common = TRUE)
df.Q.wDegrees of freedom for Q.w.common and Q.w.random
pval.Q.w.commonP-value of test for residual heterogeneity (common effect model)
pval.Q.w.randomP-value of test for residual heterogeneity (random effects model)
Q.b.commonBetween-groups heterogeneity statistic Q (common effect model)
df.Q.b.commonDegrees of freedom for Q.b.common
pval.Q.b.commonP-value of test for subgroup differences (common effect model)
Q.b.randomBetween-groups heterogeneity statistic Q (random effects model)
df.Q.b.randomDegrees of freedom for Q.b.random
pval.Q.b.randomP-value of test for subgroup differences (random effects model)

An object created with metabin has the additional class "metabin" and the following components.

event.eEvents in experimental group (individual studies)
n.eSample size in experimental group (individual studies)
event.eEvents in control group (individual studies)
n.eSample size in control group (individual studies)
incrIncrement added to zero cells
method.incrContinuity correction method
sparseContinuity correction applied
allstudiesInclude studies with double zeros
doublezerosIndicator for studies with double zeros
MH.exactExact Mantel-Haenszel method
RR.CochraneCochrane method to calculate risk ratio
Q.CochraneCochrane method to calculate \(\tau^2\)
Q.CMHCochran-Mantel-Haenszel statistic
df.Q.CMHDegrees of freedom for Q.CMH
pval.Q.CMHP-value of Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test
print.CMHPrint results for Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel statistic
incr.eContinuity correction in experimental group (individual studies)
incr.cContinuity correction in control group (individual studies)
k.MHNumber of studies (Mantel-Haenszel method)

An object created with metacont has the additional class "metacont" and the following components.

n.eSample size in experimental group (individual studies)
mean.eEstimated mean in experimental group (individual studies)
sd.eStandard deviation in experimental group (individual studies)
n.cSample size in control group (individual studies)
mean.cEstimated mean in control group (individual studies)
sd.cStandard deviation in control group (individual studies)
pooledvarUse pooled variance for mean difference
method.smdMethod for standardised mean difference (SMD)
sd.glassDenominator in Glass' method
exact.smdUse exact formulae for SMD
method.ciMethod to calculate confidence limits
method.meanMethod to approximate mean
method.sdMethod to approximate standard deviation

An object created with metacor has the additional class "metacor" and the following components.

corCorrelation (individual studies)
nSample size (individual studies)

An object created with metainc has the additional class "metainc" and the following components.

event.eEvents in experimental group (individual studies)
time.ePerson time in experimental group (individual studies)
n.eSample size in experimental group (individual studies)
event.cEvents in control group (individual studies)
time.cPerson time in control group (individual studies)
n.cSample size in control group (individual studies)
incrIncrement added to zero cells
method.incrContinuity correction method
sparseContinuity correction applied
incr.eventContinuity correction (individual studies)
k.MHNumber of studies (Mantel-Haenszel method)

An object created with metamean has the additional class "metamean" and the following components.

nSample size (individual studies)
meanEstimated mean (individual studies)
sdStandard deviation (individual studies)
method.ciMethod to calculate confidence limits
method.meanMethod to approximate mean
method.sdMethod to approximate standard deviation

An object created with metaprop has the additional class "metaprop" and the following components.

eventEvents (individual studies)
nSample size (individual studies)
incrIncrement added to zero cells
method.incrContinuity correction method
sparseContinuity correction applied
method.ciMethod to calculate confidence limits
incr.eventContinuity correction (individual studies)

An object created with metarate has the additional class "metarate" and the following components.

eventEvents (individual studies)
timePerson time (individual studies)
nSample size (individual studies)
incrIncrement added to zero cells
method.incrContinuity correction method
sparseContinuity correction applied
method.ciMethod to calculate confidence limits
incr.eventContinuity correction (individual studies)

An object created with trimfill has the additional classes "trimfill" and "metagen" and the following components.

k0Number of added studies
leftStudies missing on left side
ma.commonUse common effect or random effects model to estimate
number of missing studies
typeMethod to estimate missing studies
n.iter.maxMaximum number of iterations
n.iterNumber of iterations
trimfillFilled studies (individual studies)
class.xPrimary class of meta-analysis object

An object created with metamerge has the additional class "metamerge". Furthermore, the following components have a different meaning:

kVector with number of estimates
k.studyVector with number of studies
k.allVector with total number of studies
k.TEVector with number of studies with estimable effects
k.MHVector with number of studies combined with Mantel-Haenszel method
TE.commonVector with common effect estimates
seTE.commonVector with standard errors of common effect estimates
lower.commonVector with lower confidence limits (common effect model)
upper.commonVector with upper confidence limits (common effect model)
statistic.commonVector with test statistics for test of overall effect (common effect model)
pval.commonVector with p-value of test for overall effect (common effect model)
TE.randomVector with random effects estimates
seTE.randomVector with standard errors of random effects estimates
lower.randomVector with lower confidence limits (random effects model)
upper.randomVector with upper confidence limits (random effects model)
statistic.randomVector with test statistics for test of overall effect (random effects model)
pval.randomVector with p-value of test for overall effect (random effects model)
w.commonVector or matrix with common effect weights
w.randomVector or matrix with random effects weights

See Also

meta-package, meta-sm, print.meta, summary.meta, forest.meta