Extracts points from a figure and generate summary statistics
extract_points(file, plot_type = c("mean_se", "boxplot", "scatterplot"),
summary_stats = FALSE)
Image file
One of "mean_se", "boxplot", or "scatterplot". "mean_se" assumes that there are means and standard error bars, and requires the user to click the upper error bar followed by the mean. "boxplot" assumes that the user will input 5 points, in the order max, upper (75th) quartile, median, lower (25th) quartile, and minimum. "Scatterplot assumes that all points will be clicked"
Whether further summary statistics are derived from "mean_se" and "boxplot". Require use to input sample sizes. Currently defunct
Image file
One of "mean_se", "boxplot", or "scatterplot". "mean_se" assumes that there are means and standard error bars, and requires the user to click the upper error bar followed by the mean. "boxplot" assumes that the user will input 5 points, in the order max, upper (75th) quartile, median, lower (25th) quartile, and minimum. "Scatterplot assumes that all points will be clicked"
Whether further summary statistics are derived from "mean_se" and "boxplot". Require use to input sample sizes. Currently defunct