It tests the homogeneity of univariate and multivariate effect sizes.
homoStat(y, v)
A vector of effect size for univariate meta-analysis or a \(k\) x
\(p\) matrix of effect sizes for multivariate meta-analysis
where \(k\) is the number of studies and \(p\) is the
number of effect sizes.
A vector of the sampling variance of the effect size for univariate
meta-analysis or a \(k\) x \(p*\) matrix of the sampling
covariance matrix of the effect sizes for multivariate meta-analysis
where \(p* = p(p+1)/2 \). It is arranged by column
major as used by vech. It is assumed that
there is no missing value in v if y is complete. If there are missing values in v
due to the missingness on y, the missing values in
v will be removed automatically.
A list of
Q statistic on the null hypothesis of homogeneity of effect
sizes. It has an approximate chi-square distribution under the null
Degrees of freedom of the Q statistic
p-value on the test of homogeneity of effect sizes
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