This dataset includes 61 effect sizes from 19 manuscripts nested from 8 studies reported by van der Pol et al. (2017). It studies the effectiveness of multidimensional family therapy in treating adolescents with multiple behavior problems.
A list of data with the following structure:
Number of the effect size.
Authors of the studies.
Total sample size.
Sample size in the target group.
Sample size in the control group.
Either cognitive behavioral therapy
), combined treatment (CT
) or group therapy (Group
Level-3 cluster.
Mean age of the participants.
Follow-up duration (in months).
Percentage of males.
Percentage of minorities.
Percentage of participants with conduct disorder
Percentage of participants of severe cannabis use.
Either substance abuse, delinquency, externalizing and internalizing psychopathology, and family functioning
Effect size in Cohen's d.
Sampling variance of d
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