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metacoder (version 0.3.8)

extract_tax_data: Extracts taxonomy info from vectors with regex


Convert taxonomic information in a character vector into a [taxmap()] object. The location and identity of important information in the input is specified using a [regular expression](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression) with capture groups and a corresponding key. An object of type [taxmap()] is returned containing the specified information. See the `key` option for accepted sources of taxonomic information.


  class_key = "taxon_name",
  class_regex = "(.*)",
  class_sep = NULL,
  sep_is_regex = FALSE,
  class_rev = FALSE,
  database = "ncbi",
  include_match = FALSE,
  include_tax_data = TRUE


Returns an object of type [taxmap()]



A vector from which to extract taxonomy information.


(`character`) The identity of the capturing groups defined using `regex`. The length of `key` must be equal to the number of capturing groups specified in `regex`. Any names added to the terms will be used as column names in the output. Only `"info"` can be used multiple times. Each term must be one of those described below: * `taxon_id`: A unique numeric id for a taxon for a particular `database` (e.g. ncbi accession number). Requires an internet connection. * `taxon_name`: The name of a taxon (e.g. "Mammalia" or "Homo sapiens"). Not necessarily unique, but interpretable by a particular `database`. Requires an internet connection. * `fuzzy_name`: The name of a taxon, but check for misspellings first. Only use if you think there are misspellings. Using `"taxon_name"` is faster. * `class`: A list of taxon information that constitutes the full taxonomic classification (e.g. "K_Mammalia;P_Carnivora;C_Felidae"). Individual taxa are separated by the `class_sep` argument and the information is parsed by the `class_regex` and `class_key` arguments. * `seq_id`: Sequence ID for a particular database that is associated with a taxonomic classification. Currently only works with the "ncbi" database. * `info`: Arbitrary taxon info you want included in the output. Can be used more than once.


(`character` of length 1) A regular expression with capturing groups indicating the locations of relevant information. The identity of the information must be specified using the `key` argument.


(`character` of length 1) The identity of the capturing groups defined using `class_regex`. The length of `class_key` must be equal to the number of capturing groups specified in `class_regex`. Any names added to the terms will be used as column names in the output. Only `"info"` can be used multiple times. Each term must be one of those described below: * `taxon_name`: The name of a taxon. Not necessarily unique. * `taxon_rank`: The rank of the taxon. This will be used to add rank info into the output object that can be accessed by `out$taxon_ranks()`. * `info`: Arbitrary taxon info you want included in the output. Can be used more than once.


(`character` of length 1) A regular expression with capturing groups indicating the locations of data for each taxon in the `class` term in the `key` argument. The identity of the information must be specified using the `class_key` argument. The `class_sep` option can be used to split the classification into data for each taxon before matching. If `class_sep` is `NULL`, each match of `class_regex` defines a taxon in the classification.


(`character` of length 1) Used with the `class` term in the `key` argument. The character(s) used to separate individual taxa within a classification. After the string defined by the `class` capture group in `regex` is split by `class_sep`, its capture groups are extracted by `class_regex` and defined by `class_key`. If `NULL`, every match of `class_regex` is used instead with first splitting by `class_sep`.


(`TRUE`/`FALSE`) Whether or not `class_sep` should be used as a [regular expression](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression).


(`logical` of length 1) Used with the `class` term in the `key` argument. If `TRUE`, the order of taxon data in a classification is reversed to be specific to broad.


(`character` of length 1) The name of the database that patterns given in `parser` will apply to. Valid databases include "ncbi", "itis", "eol", "col", "tropicos", "nbn", and "none". `"none"` will cause no database to be queried; use this if you want to not use the internet. NOTE: Only `"ncbi"` has been tested extensively so far.


(`logical` of length 1) If `TRUE`, include the part of the input matched by `regex` in the output object.


(`TRUE`/`FALSE`) Whether or not to include `tax_data` as a dataset.

Failed Downloads

If you have invalid inputs or a download fails for another reason, then there will be a "unknown" taxon ID as a placeholder and failed inputs will be assigned to this ID. You can remove these using [filter_taxa()] like so: `filter_taxa(result, taxon_ids != "unknown")`. Add `drop_obs = FALSE` if you want the input data, but want to remove the taxon.

See Also

Other parsers: lookup_tax_data(), parse_dada2(), parse_edge_list(), parse_greengenes(), parse_mothur_tax_summary(), parse_mothur_taxonomy(), parse_newick(), parse_phylo(), parse_phyloseq(), parse_qiime_biom(), parse_rdp(), parse_silva_fasta(), parse_tax_data(), parse_ubiome(), parse_unite_general()


Run this code

# \donttest{
  # For demonstration purposes, the following example dataset has all the
  # types of data that can be used, but any one of them alone would work.
  raw_data <- c(
  ">id:AB548412-tid:9689-Panthera leo-tax:K_Mammalia;P_Carnivora;C_Felidae;G_Panthera;S_leo",
  ">id:FJ358423-tid:9694-Panthera tigris-tax:K_Mammalia;P_Carnivora;C_Felidae;G_Panthera;S_tigris",
  ">id:DQ334818-tid:9643-Ursus americanus-tax:K_Mammalia;P_Carnivora;C_Felidae;G_Ursus;S_americanus"

  # Build a taxmap object from classifications
                   key = c(my_seq = "info", my_tid = "info", org = "info", tax = "class"),
                   regex = "^>id:(.+)-tid:(.+)-(.+)-tax:(.+)$",
                   class_sep = ";", class_regex = "^(.+)_(.+)$",
                   class_key = c(my_rank = "info", tax_name = "taxon_name"))

  # Build a taxmap object from taxon ids
  # Note: this requires an internet connection
                   key = c(my_seq = "info", my_tid = "taxon_id", org = "info", tax = "info"),
                   regex = "^>id:(.+)-tid:(.+)-(.+)-tax:(.+)$")

  # Build a taxmap object from ncbi sequence accession numbers
  # Note: this requires an internet connection
                   key = c(my_seq = "seq_id", my_tid = "info", org = "info", tax = "info"),
                   regex = "^>id:(.+)-tid:(.+)-(.+)-tax:(.+)$")

  # Build a taxmap object from taxon names
  # Note: this requires an internet connection
                   key = c(my_seq = "info", my_tid = "info", org = "taxon_name", tax = "info"),
                   regex = "^>id:(.+)-tid:(.+)-(.+)-tax:(.+)$")
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab