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hmp_samples: Sample information for HMP subset


The sample information for a subset of the Human Microbiome Project data. It contains the sample ID, sex, and body site for each sample in the abundance matrix stored in hmp_otus. The "sample_id" column corresponds to the column names of hmp_otus.



A 50 x 3 tibble.


The 50 samples were randomly selected such that there were 10 in each of 5 treatments: "Saliva", "Throat", "Stool", "Right_Antecubital_fossa", "Anterior_nares". For each treatment, there were 5 samples from men and 5 from women. "Right_Antecubital_fossa" was renamed to "Skin" and "Anterior_nares" to "Nose".

See Also

Other hmp_data: hmp_otus