# \donttest{
### Dummy test data set ###
seq_1 <- paste0("AA", primer_1_site, amplicon, primer_2_site, "AAAA")
seq_2 <- rev_comp(seq_1)
f_primer <- "ACGTACCTTAACGGAATTATAG" # Note the "C" mismatch at position 2
r_primer <- rev_comp(primer_2_site)
seqs <- c(a = seq_1, b = seq_2)
result <- primersearch_raw(seqs, forward = f_primer, reverse = r_primer)
### Real data set ###
# Get example FASTA file
fasta_path <- system.file(file.path("extdata", "silva_subset.fa"),
package = "metacoder")
# Parse the FASTA file as a taxmap object
obj <- parse_silva_fasta(file = fasta_path)
# Simulate PCR with primersearch
pcr_result <- primersearch_raw(obj$data$tax_data$silva_seq,
forward = c("U519F" = "CAGYMGCCRCGGKAAHACC"),
reverse = c("Arch806R" = "GGACTACNSGGGTMTCTAAT"),
mismatch = 10)
# Add result to input table
# NOTE: We want to add a function to handle running pcr on a
# taxmap object directly, but we are still trying to figure out
# the best way to implement it. For now, do the following:
obj$data$pcr <- pcr_result
obj$data$pcr$taxon_id <- obj$data$tax_data$taxon_id[pcr_result$input]
# Visualize which taxa were amplified
# This work because only amplicons are returned by `primersearch`
n_amplified <- unlist(obj$obs_apply("pcr",
function(x) length(unique(obj$data$tax_data$input[x]))))
prop_amped <- n_amplified / obj$n_obs()
node_label = taxon_names,
node_color = prop_amped,
node_color_range = c("grey", "red", "purple", "green"),
node_color_trans = "linear",
node_color_axis_label = "Proportion amplified",
node_size = n_obs,
node_size_axis_label = "Number of sequences",
layout = "da",
initial_layout = "re")
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab