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metan (version 1.19.0)

barplots: Fast way to create bar plots



  • plot_bars() Creates a bar plot based on one categorical variable and one numeric variable. It can be used to show the results of a one-way trial with qualitative treatments.

  • plot_factbars() Creates a bar plot based on two categorical variables and one numeric variable. It can be used to show the results of a two-way trial with qualitative-qualitative treatment structure.


  order = NULL,
  y.lim = NULL,
  y.breaks = waiver(),
  y.expand = 0.05,
  y.contract = 0,
  xlab = NULL,
  ylab = NULL,
  n.dodge = 1,
  check.overlap = FALSE,
  color.bar = "black",
  fill.bar = "gray",
  lab.bar = NULL,
  lab.bar.hjust = 0.5,
  lab.bar.vjust = -0.5,
  lab.bar.angle = 0,
  size.text.bar = 5,
  values = FALSE,
  values.hjust = 0.5,
  values.vjust = 1.5,
  values.angle = 0,
  values.digits = 2,
  values.size = 4,
  lab.x.hjust = 0.5,
  lab.x.vjust = 1,
  lab.x.angle = 0,
  errorbar = TRUE,
  stat.erbar = "se",
  width.erbar = NULL,
  level = 0.95,
  invert = FALSE,
  width.bar = 0.9,
  size.line = 0.5,
  size.text = 12,
  fontfam = "sans",
  na.rm = TRUE,
  verbose = FALSE,
  plot_theme = theme_metan()

plot_factbars( .data, ..., resp, y.lim = NULL, y.breaks = waiver(), y.expand = 0.05, y.contract = 0, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, n.dodge = 1, check.overlap = FALSE, lab.bar = NULL, lab.bar.hjust = 0.5, lab.bar.vjust = -0.5, lab.bar.angle = 0, size.text.bar = 5, values = FALSE, values.hjust = 0.5, values.vjust = 1.5, values.angle = 0, values.digits = 2, values.size = 4, lab.x.hjust = 0.5, lab.x.vjust = 1, lab.x.angle = 0, errorbar = TRUE, stat.erbar = "se", width.erbar = NULL, level = 0.95, invert = FALSE, col = TRUE, palette = "Spectral", width.bar = 0.9, legend.position = "bottom", size.line = 0.5, size.text = 12, fontfam = "sans", na.rm = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, plot_theme = theme_metan() )


An object of class gg, ggplot.



The data set.

x, y

Argument valid for plot_bars() The variables to be mapped to the x and y axes, respectively.


Argument valid for plot_bars(). Controls the order of the factor in the x axis. Defaults to the order of the factors in .data. Use order = "asce" or order = "desc" to reorder the labels to ascending or descending order, respectively, based on the values of the variable y.


The range of y axis. Defaults to NULL (maximum and minimum values of the data set). New values can be inserted as y.lim = c(y.min, y.max).


The breaks to be plotted in the y-axis. Defaults to waiver(). authomatic breaks. The same arguments than x.breaks can be used.

y.expand, y.contract

A multiplication range expansion/contraction factor. y.expand expands the upper limit of the y escale, while y.contract contracts the lower limit of the y scale. By default y.expand = 0.05 and y.contract = 0 produces a plot without spacing in the lower y limit and an expansion in the upper y limit.

xlab, ylab

The labels of the axes x and y, respectively. Defaults to NULL.


The number of rows that should be used to render the x labels. This is useful for displaying labels that would otherwise overlap.


Silently remove overlapping labels, (recursively) prioritizing the first, last, and middle labels.

color.bar, fill.bar

Argument valid for plot_bars(). The color and fill values of the bars.


A vector of characters to show in each bar. Defaults to NULL.

lab.bar.hjust, lab.bar.vjust

The horizontal and vertical adjust for the labels in the bar. Defaults to 0.5 and -0.5, respectively.


The angle for the labels in the plot. Defaults to 0. Use in combination with lab.bar.hjust and lab.bar.vjust to best fit the labels in the plot.


The size of the text in the bar labels.


Logical argument. Shows the values in the plot bar? Defaults to FALSE

values.hjust, values.vjust

The horizontal and vertical adjust for the values in the bar. Defaults to 0.5 and 1.5, respectively. If values = TRUE the values are shown bellow the error bar.


The angle for the labels in the plot. Defaults to 0. Use in combination with values.hjust and values.vjust to best fit the values in the plot bar.


The significant digits to show if values = TRUE. Defaults to 2.


The size of the text for values shown in the bars. Defaults to 3.

lab.x.hjust, lab.x.vjust

The horizontal and vertical adjust for the labels in the bar. Defaults to 0.5 and 1, respectively.


The angle for the labels in x axis. Defaults to 0. Use in combination with lab.x.hjust and lab.x.vjust to best fit the labels in the axis.


Logical argument, set to TRUE. In this case, an error bar is shown.


The statistic to be shown in the errorbar. Must be one of the stat.erbar = "se" (standard error, default), stat.erbar = "sd" (standard deviation), or stat.erbar = "ci" (confidence interval), based on the confidence level in the argument level.


The width of the error bar. Defaults to 25% of width.bar.


The confidence level


Logical argument. If TRUE, rotate the plot in plot_bars() and invert the order of the factors in plot_factbars().


The width of the bars in the graph. Defaults to 0.9. Possible values are in the range 0-1.


The size of the line in the bars. Default to 0.5.


The size of the text. Default to 12.


The family of the font text. Defaults to "sans".


Should 'NA' values be removed to compute the statistics? Defaults to true


Logical argument. If TRUE a tibble containing the mean, N, standard deviation, standard error of mean and confidence interval is returned.


The graphical theme of the plot. Default is plot_theme = theme_metan(). For more details, see ggplot2::theme().


Argument valid for plot_factbars(). A comma-separated list of unquoted variable names. Sets the two variables to be mapped to the x axis.


Argument valid for plot_factbars(). The response variable to be mapped to the y axis.


Logical argument valid for plot_factbars(). If FALSE, a gray scale is used.


Argument valid for plot_factbars() The color palette to be used. For more details, see ?scale_colour_brewer


The position of the legend in the plot.


Tiago Olivoto tiagoolivoto@gmail.com

See Also

plot_lines(), plot_factlines()


Run this code
# \donttest{
# two categorical variables
              resp = PH)

# one categorical variable
p1 <- plot_bars(data_g, GEN, PH)
p2 <- plot_bars(data_g, GEN, PH,
                n.dodge = 2, # two rows for x labels
                y.expand = 0.1, # expand y scale
                y.contract = -0.75, # contract the lower limit
                errorbar = FALSE, # remove errorbar
                color.bar = "red", # color of bars
                fill.bar = alpha_color("cyan", 75), # create a transparent color
                lab.bar = letters[1:13]) # add labels
arrange_ggplot(p1, p2)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab