Performs clustering for genotypes or tester environments based on a dissimilarity matrix.
env = NULL,
gen = NULL,
resp = NULL,
table = FALSE,
distmethod = "euclidean",
clustmethod = "ward.D",
scale = TRUE,
cluster = "env",
nclust = NULL
data The data that was used to compute the distances.
cutpoint The cutpoint of the dendrogram according to Mojena (1977).
distance The matrix with the distances.
de The distances in an object of class dist
hc The hierarchical clustering.
cophenetic The cophenetic correlation coefficient between distance matrix and cophenetic matrix
Sqt The total sum of squares.
tab A table with the clusters and similarity.
clusters The sum of square and the mean of the clusters for each
genotype (if cluster = "env"
or environment (if cluster = "gen"
labclust The labels of genotypes/environments within each cluster.
The dataset containing the columns related to Environments, Genotypes
and the response variable. It is also possible to use a two-way table with genotypes
in lines and environments in columns as input. In this case you must use table = TRUE
The name of the column that contains the levels of the environments. Defaults to NULL
in case of the input data is a two-way table.
The name of the column that contains the levels of the genotypes. Defaults to NULL
in case of the input data is a two-way table.
The response variable(s). Defaults to NULL
, in case of the input data is a two-way table.
Logical values indicating if the input data is a two-way table with genotypes
in the rows and environments in the columns. Defaults to FALSE
The distance measure to be used. This must be one of
, 'maximum'
, 'manhattan'
, 'canberra'
, or 'minkowski'
The agglomeration method to be used. This should be one
of 'ward.D'
(Default), 'ward.D2'
, 'single'
, 'complete'
(= UPGMA), 'mcquitty'
(= WPGMA), 'median'
WPGMC) or 'centroid'
(= UPGMC).
Should the data be scaled befor computing the distances? Set to TRUE. Let \(Y_{ij}\) be the yield of Hybrid i in Location j, \(\bar Y_{.j}\) be the mean yield, and \(S_j\) be the standard deviation of Location j. The standardized yield (Zij) is computed as (Ouyang et al. 1995): \(Z_{ij} = (Y_{ij} - Y_{.j}) / S_j\).
What should be clustered? Defaults to cluster = "env"
(cluster environments).
To cluster the genotypes use cluster = "gen"
The number of clust to be formed. Set to NULL
Tiago Olivoto
Mojena, R. 2015. Hierarchical grouping methods and stopping rules: an evaluation. Comput. J. 20:359-363. tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1093/comjnl/20.4.359")
Ouyang, Z., R.P. Mowers, A. Jensen, S. Wang, and S. Zheng. 1995. Cluster analysis for genotype x environment interaction with unbalanced data. Crop Sci. 35:1300-1305. tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.2135/cropsci1995.0011183X003500050008x")
# \donttest{
d1 <- ge_cluster(data_ge, ENV, GEN, GY, nclust = 3)
plot(d1, nclust = 3)
# }
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