get_model_data(x, what = NULL, type = "GEN", verbose = TRUE)gmd(x, what = NULL, type = "GEN", verbose = TRUE)
A tibble showing the values of the variable chosen in argument
An object created with the functions ammi_indexes()
, anova_joint()
, can_corr()
, Fox()
, gamem()
, ge_acv()
, ge_means()
, ge_reg()
, mgidi()
, performs_ammi()
, blup_indexes()
, Shukla()
, waas()
or waasb()
What should be captured from the model. See more in section Details.
Chose if the statistics must be show by genotype (type = "GEN"
, default) or environment (TYPE = "ENV"
), when possible.
Logical argument. If verbose = FALSE
the code will run
Tiago Olivoto
Easily get data from some objects generated in the
metan package such as the WAASB and WAASBY indexes (Olivoto et al.,
2019a, 2019b) BLUPs, variance components, details of AMMI models and
AMMI-based stability statistics.
Is a shortcut to get_model_data
Extracts the selected genotypes by a given index.
Bellow are listed the options allowed in the argument what
on the class of the object
Objects of class ammi_indexes
AMMI stability value.
Averages of the squared eigenvector values.
Sums of the absolute value of the IPCA scores.
Weighted average of absolute scores (default).
Absolute value of the relative contribution of IPCAs to the
Objects of class anova_ind
The mean value of the variable
"DFG", "DFB", "DFCR", "DFIB_R", "DFE"
. The degree of freedom for
genotypes, blocks (randomized complete block design), complete replicates,
incomplete blocks within replicates (alpha-lattice design), and error,
"MSG", "FCG", "PFG"
The mean square, F-calculated and P-values for
genotype effect, respectively.
"MSB", "FCB", "PFB"
The mean square, F-calculated and P-values for
block effect in randomized complete block design.
The mean square, F-calculated and P-values for
complete replicates in alpha lattice design.
The mean square, F-calculated and
P-values for incomplete blocks within complete replicates, respectively (for
alpha lattice design only).
The mean square of error.
The coefficient of variation.
The broad-sence heritability
The accucary of selection (square root of h2).
The Hartley's test (the ratio of the largest MSE to the smallest
Objects of class anova_joint
or gafem
The observed values.
The broad-sense heritability.
"Sum Sq"
Sum of squares.
"Mean Sq"
Mean Squares.
"F value"
Fitted values (default).
Standardized residuals.
Standard errors of the fitted values.
Objects of class Annicchiarico
and Schmildt
The standard error of the relative mean performance (Schmildt).
The relative performance of the mean.
The rank for genotypic confidence index.
The genotypic confidence index.
Objects of class can_corr
The canonical coefficients (default).
The canonical loadings.
The canonical cross-loadings.
The canonical correlations and hypothesis testing.
Objects of class colindiag
The correlation matrix betwen predictors.
The correlations in a 'long' format
The eigenvalue with associated eigenvectors
The Variance Inflation Factor
The colinearity indicators
Objects of class ecovalence
Ecovalence value (default).
Ecovalence in percentage value.
Rank for ecovalence.
Objects of class fai_blup
: See the Value section of
to see valid options for what
Objects of class ge_acv
The adjusted coefficient of variation (default).
The rank for adjusted coefficient of variation.
Objects of class ge_polar
The Power Law Residuals (default).
The rank for Power Law Residuals.
Objects of class ge_reg
: the genotypes.
and b1
(default): the intercept and slope of the regression,
: the calculated t-value
: the p-value for the t test.
the deviations from the regression (stability parameter).
: the F-test for the deviations.
: the p-value for the F test;
the root-mean-square error.
the determination coefficient of the regression.
Objects of class ge_effects
For objects of class ge_effects
no argument what
is required.
Objects of class ge_means
Genotype-environment interaction means (default).
Environment means.
Genotype means.
Objects of class gge
The scores for genotypes and environments for all the
analyzed traits (default).
The eigenvalues and explained variance.
The projection of each genotype in the AEC coordinates in
the stability GGE plot
Objects of class gytb
Genotype by yield*trait table (Default).
The standardized (zero mean and unit variance) Genotype by yield*trait table.
The superiority index (sum standardized value across all yield*trait combinations).
Objects of class mgidi
: See the Value section of
to see valid options for what
Objects of class mtsi
: See the Value section of
to see valid options for what
**Objects of class path_coeff
Path coefficients
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
"vif "
Variance Inflation Factor
**Objects of class path_coeff_seq
Coefficients of primary predictors and response
Coefficients of secondary predictors and response
contribution to the total effects through primary traits
Coefficients of secondary predictors and primary predictors.
Objects of class Shukla
Rank for the mean.
Shukla's stablity variance (default).
Rank for Shukla's stablity variance.
Simultaneous selection index.
Objects of class sh
: See the Value section of
to see valid options for what
Objects of class Fox
The proportion of locations at which the genotype occurred in
the top third (default).
Objects of class gai
The geometric adaptability index (default).
The rank for the GAI values.
Objects of class superiority
The superiority measure for all environments (default).
The rank for Pi_a.
The superiority measure for favorable environments.
The rank for Pi_f.
The superiority measure for unfavorable environments.
The rank for Pi_u.
Objects of class Huehn
Mean of the absolute rank differences of a genotype over the n
environments (default).
variance among the ranks over the k environments.
Sum of the absolute deviations.
Relative sum of squares of rank for each genotype.
, "S2_R"
, "S3_R"
, and "S6_R"
, the ranks
for S1, S2, S3, and S6, respectively.
Objects of class Thennarasu
First statistic (default).
Second statistic.
Third statistic.
Fourth statistic.
, "N2_R"
, "N3_R"
, and "N4_R"
, The ranks
for the statistics.
Objects of class performs_ammi
"PC1", "PC2", ..., "PCn"
The values for the nth interaction
principal component axis.
Sum of square for each IPCA.
Mean square for each IPCA.
F value for each IPCA.
P-value for for each IPCA.
Explained sum of square for each IPCA (default).
Accumulated explained sum of square.
Objects of class waas
, waas_means
, and waasb
"PC1", "PC2", ..., "PCn"
The values for the nth interaction
principal component axis.
The weighted average of the absolute scores (default for
objects of class waas
The rescaled values of the response variable.
The rescaled values of the WAASB.
The weight for the response variable.
The weight for the stability.
The ranking regarding the response variable.
The ranking regarding the WAASB.
The ranking regarding the first principal component axix.
The superiority index WAASBY.
The ranking regarding the superiority index.
Objects of class gamem
and waasb
Best Linear Unbiased Prediction for genotype-environment
interaction (mixed-effect model, class waasb
Best Linear Unbiased Prediction for genotype effect.
Best Linear Unbiased Estimation for genotype-environment
interaction (fixed-effect model, class waasb
Best Linear Unbiased Estimation for genotype effect (fixed
The data used.
The details of the trial.
Genetic parameters (default).
The genotypic variance-covariance matrix.
The phenotypic variance-covariance matrix.
The genotypic correlation matrix.
The phenotypic correlation matrix.
The broad-sense heritability.
The likelihood-ratio test for random effects.
The variance components for random effects.
Random effects.
Objects of class blup_ind
For harmonic mean of genotypic values or its ranks.
For relative performance of genotypic values or its
For harmonic mean of relative performance of
genotypic values or its ranks.
For the weighted average of absolute scores from the
singular or its ranks. value decomposition of the BLUPs for GxE interaction
or its ranks.
Annicchiarico, P. 1992. Cultivar adaptation and recommendation from alfalfa trials in Northern Italy. J. Genet. Breed. 46:269-278.
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Fox, P.N., B. Skovmand, B.K. Thompson, H.J. Braun, and R. Cormier. 1990. Yield and adaptation of hexaploid spring triticale. Euphytica 47:57-64. tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1007/BF00040364")
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Olivoto, T., A.D.C. Lúcio, J.A.G. da silva, B.G. Sari, and M.I. Diel. 2019b. Mean performance and stability in multi-environment trials II: Selection based on multiple traits. Agron. J. 111:2961-2969. tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.2134/agronj2019.03.0221")
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Mohammadi, R., & Amri, A. (2008). Comparison of parametric and non-parametric methods for selecting stable and adapted durum wheat genotypes in variable environments. Euphytica, 159(3), 419-432. tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1007/s10681-007-9600-6")
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Zali, H., E. Farshadfar, S.H. Sabaghpour, and R. Karimizadeh. 2012. Evaluation of genotype vs environment interaction in chickpea using measures of stability from AMMI model. Ann. Biol. Res. 3:3126-3136.
, anova_ind()
, anova_joint()
, ecovalence()
, gai()
, gamem()
, gafem()
, ge_acv()
, ge_polar()
, ge_reg()
, mgidi()
, mtsi()
, mps()
, mtmps()
, blup_indexes()
, Shukla()
, superiority()
, waas()
# \donttest{
#################### WAASB index #####################
# Fitting the WAAS index
AMMI <- waasb(data_ge2,
env = ENV,
gen = GEN,
rep = REP,
resp = c(PH, ED, TKW, NKR))
# Getting the weighted average of absolute scores
gmd(AMMI, what = "WAASB")
#################### BLUP model #####################
# Fitting a mixed-effect model
# Genotype and interaction as random
blup <- gamem_met(data_ge2,
env = ENV,
gen = GEN,
rep = REP,
resp = c(PH, ED))
# Getting p-values for likelihood-ratio test
gmd(blup, what = "lrt")
# Getting the variance components
gmd(blup, what = "vcomp")
# }
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