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Plot an object of class clustering
# S3 method for clustering plot(x, horiz = TRUE, type = "dendrogram", ...)
An object of class gg, ggplot if type == "cophenetic".
gg, ggplot
type == "cophenetic"
An object of class clustering
Logical indicating if the dendrogram should be drawn horizontally or not.
The type of plot. Must be one of the 'dendrogram' or 'cophenetic'.
Other arguments passed from the function plot.dendrogram or abline.
Tiago Olivoto tiagoolivoto@gmail.com
# \donttest{ mean_gen <- data_ge2 %>% mean_by(GEN) %>% column_to_rownames("GEN") d <- clustering(mean_gen) plot(d, xlab = "Euclidean Distance") # }
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