Residual plots for a output model of class gamem
. Six types of plots
are produced: (1) Residuals vs fitted, (2) normal Q-Q plot for the residuals,
(3) scale-location plot (standardized residuals vs Fitted Values), (4)
standardized residuals vs Factor-levels, (5) Histogram of raw residuals and
(6) standardized residuals vs observation order. For a waasb
normal Q-Q plot for random effects may also be obtained declaring type = 're'
# S3 method for gamem
var = 1,
type = "res",
position = "fill",
rotate = FALSE,
conf = 0.95,
out = "print", = 1,
check.overlap = FALSE,
labels = FALSE,
plot_theme = theme_metan(),
alpha = 0.2,
fill.hist = "gray",
col.hist = "black",
col.point = "black",
col.line = "red",
col.lab.out = "red",
size.line = 0.7,
size.text = 10, = 0.75,
size.lab.out = 2.5,
size.tex.lab = 10,
size.shape = 1.5,
bins = 30,
which = c(1:4),
ncol = NULL,
nrow = NULL,
An object of class gamem
The variable to plot. Defaults to var = 1
the first
variable of x
One of the "res"
to plot the model residuals (default),
type = 're'
to plot normal Q-Q plots for the random effects, or
to create a bar plot with the variance components.
The position adjustment when type = "vcomp"
. Defaults
to "fill"
, which shows relative proportions at each trait by
stacking the bars and then standardizing each bar to have the same height.
Use position = "stack"
to plot the phenotypic variance for each
Logical argument. If rotate = TRUE
the plot is rotated,
i.e., traits in y axis and value in the x axis.
Level of confidence interval to use in the Q-Q plot (0.95 by default).
How the output is returned. Must be one of the 'print' (default) or 'return'.
The number of rows that should be used to render the x labels. This is useful for displaying labels that would otherwise overlap.
Silently remove overlapping labels, (recursively) prioritizing the first, last, and middle labels.
Logical argument. If TRUE
labels the points outside
confidence interval limits.
The graphical theme of the plot. Default is
plot_theme = theme_metan()
. For more details, see
The transparency of confidence band in the Q-Q plot. Must be a number between 0 (opaque) and 1 (full transparency).
The color to fill the histogram. Default is 'gray'.
The color of the border of the the histogram. Default is 'black'.
The color of the points in the graphic. Default is 'black'.
The color of the lines in the graphic. Default is 'red'.
The color of the labels for the 'outlying' points.
The size of the line in graphic. Defaults to 0.7.
The size for the text in the plot. Defaults to 10.
The width of the bars if type = "contribution"
The size of the labels for the 'outlying' points.
The size of the text in axis text and labels.
The size of the shape in the plots.
The number of bins to use in the histogram. Default is 30.
Which graphics should be plotted. Default is which = c(1:4)
that means that the first four graphics will be plotted.
The number of columns and rows of the plot pannel. Defaults
Additional arguments passed on to the function
Tiago Olivoto
# \donttest{
model <- gamem(data_g,
gen = GEN,
rep = REP,
resp = PH)
# }
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