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Plot the regression model generated by the function ge_effects.
# S3 method for ge_effects plot( x, var = 1, plot_theme = theme_metan(), x.lab = NULL, y.lab = NULL, leg.position = "right", size.text = 12, ... )
An object of class gg, ggplot.
gg, ggplot
An object of class ge_effects
The variable to plot. Defaults to var = 1 the first variable of x.
var = 1
The graphical theme of the plot. Default is plot_theme = theme_metan(). For more details, see ggplot2::theme().
plot_theme = theme_metan()
The label of x-axis. Each plot has a default value. New arguments can be inserted as x.lab = "my label".
x.lab = "my label"
The label of y-axis. Each plot has a default value. New arguments can be inserted as y.lab = "my label".
y.lab = "my label"
The position of the legend.
The size of the text in the axes text and labels. Default is 12.
Current not used.
Tiago Olivoto tiagoolivoto@gmail.com
# \donttest{ library(metan) ge_eff <- ge_effects(data_ge2, ENV, GEN, PH) plot(ge_eff) # }
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