Makes a radar plot showing the multitrait stability index proposed by Olivoto et al. (2019)
# S3 method for mtmps
SI = 15,
type = "index",
position = "fill",
genotypes = "selected",
title = TRUE,
radar = TRUE,
arrange.label = FALSE,
x.lab = NULL,
y.lab = NULL,
size.point = 2.5,
size.line = 0.7,
size.text = 10, = 0.75, = 1,
check.overlap = FALSE,
invert = FALSE,
col.sel = "red",
col.nonsel = "black",
legend.position = "bottom",
An object of class gg, ggplot
An object computed with mps()
An integer (0-100). The selection intensity in percentage of the total number of genotypes.
The type of the plot. Defaults to "index"
. Use type = "contribution"
to show the contribution of each factor to the MTMPS
index of the selected genotypes.
The position adjustment when type = "contribution"
Defaults to "fill"
, which shows relative proportions at each trait
by stacking the bars and then standardizing each bar to have the same
height. Use position = "stack"
to plot the MGIDI index for each
When type = "contribution"
defines the genotypes to
be shown in the plot. By default (genotypes = "selected"
selected genotypes are shown. Use genotypes = "all"
to plot the
contribution for all genotypes.)
Logical values (Defaults to TRUE
) to include
automatically generated titles.
Logical argument. If true (default) a radar plot is generated
after using coord_polar()
Logical argument. If TRUE
, the labels are
arranged to avoid text overlapping. This becomes useful when the number of
genotypes is large, say, more than 30.
The labels for the axes x and y, respectively. x label is set to null when a radar plot is produced.
The size of the point in graphic. Defaults to 2.5.
The size of the line in graphic. Defaults to 0.7.
The size for the text in the plot. Defaults to 10.
The width of the bars if type = "contribution"
Defaults to 0.75.
The number of rows that should be used to render the x labels. This is useful for displaying labels that would otherwise overlap.
Silently remove overlapping labels, (recursively) prioritizing the first, last, and middle labels.
Logical argument. If TRUE
, rotate the plot.
The colour for selected genotypes. Defaults to "red"
The colour for nonselected genotypes. Defaults to "black"
The position of the legend.
Other arguments to be passed from ggplot2::theme()
Tiago Olivoto
Olivoto, T., A.D.C. Lúcio, J.A.G. da silva, B.G. Sari, and M.I. Diel. 2019. Mean performance and stability in multi-environment trials II: Selection based on multiple traits. Agron. J. (in press).
# \donttest{
model <-
env = ENV,
gen = GEN,
rep = REP,
resp = everything())
selection <- mtmps(model)
# }
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