sel_mod An object of class lm that is the selected model.
predictors The name of the selected predictors.
AIC The Akaike's Information Criterion for the selected model.
pred_models The Akaike's Information Criterion and the predictors
selected in each step.
predicted The predicted values considering the model in
A data frame with the response variable and covariates.
The response variable.
The covariates. Defaults to NULL. In this case, all
numeric traits in .data, except that in resp are selected. To
select specific covariates from .data, use a list of unquoted
comma-separated variable names (e.g. traits = c(var1, var2, var3)),
an specific range of variables, (e.g. traits = c(var1:var3)), or
even a select helper like starts_with("N").
An integer specifying the size of the subset of predictors to be