# prepare data
# load observation - data.frame of mean temperatures
# str(dtempc)
# str(stations)
## lonmin,lonmax,lonmax, lonmin latmin, latnmin,latmax,latmax
serbia= point.in.polygon(stations$lon, stations$lat, c(18,22.5,22.5,18), c(40,40,46,46))
st= stations[ serbia!=0, ]
# create STFDF
temp <- meteo2STFDF(dtempc,st)
# str(temp)
# Adding CRS
temp@sp@proj4string <- CRS('+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84')
# load covariates for mean temperatures
# str(regdata)
regdata@sp@proj4string <- CRS('+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84')
# Calculate prediction of mean temperatures for "2011-07-05"
# global model is used for regression and variogram
# load precalculated variograms
res= pred.strk(temp,zcol=1, newdata= regdata[,1,drop=FALSE],
reg.coef=tregcoef[[1]] ,vgm.model=tvgms[[1]], progress=FALSE )
## plot prediction
# stplot(res$pred, col.regions=bpy.colors())
# t1= temp[regdata@sp,]
# # create fake observations
# t1@data$tempc[seq(1,120,by=8)] =35
# res= pred.strk(t1,zcol=1, newdata= regdata[,1:2],
# reg.coef=tregcoef[[1]], vgm.model=tvgms[[1]] ,
# threshold.res=5, do.cv=T, out.remove = T)
# # plot cross validation residuals
# stplot(res$cv[,,'resid.cv'] , col.regions=bpy.colors())
# # plot locations of removed stations
# spplot(res$remst, zcol='station_name' , col.regions=bpy.colors())
# #plot removed stations as time-series
# row.names(res$remobs@sp) = res$remst$station_name
# res$remobs[,1:2,c('tempc','pred.cv')]
# stplot(res$remobs[,1:2,c('tempc','pred.cv')], mode='tp')
## Calculate prediction of mean temperature for "2011-07-05" "2011-07-06"
## only MODIS is used as covariate
# modisVGM =vgmST("sumMetric",space=vgm( 18.27, "Sph", 6000, 3.22),
# time =vgm(0, "Sph", 0.1, 0),
# joint=vgm(8.34, "Sph", 2349, 1.80),
# stAni=583)
# attr(modisVGM,"temporal unit") = "days"
# rkmod <- pred.strk(temp,zcol=1, newdata= STFDF(regdata@sp,
# time=as.POSIXct("2011-07-05"), endTime=as.POSIXct("2011-07-06"),
# data=regdata[,1]@data) , threshold.res=10,
# dynamic.cov='modis', static.cov=NULL,
# reg.coef= c(-0.23,0.7303284),
# vgm.model= modisVGM )
## coefficients and variogram is calculated globally for GSOD and ECA&D obs. for 2011 year
# stplot(rkmod$pred, col.regions=bpy.colors())
## parallel processing
# library(snowfall)
# rkmod <- pred.strk(temp,zcol=1,
# newdata= STFDF(regdata@sp,
# time=as.POSIXct("2011-07-05"), endTime=as.POSIXct("2011-07-06"),
# data=regdata[,1]@data) ,
# threshold.res=10,
# dynamic.cov='modis', static.cov=NULL,
# reg.coef= c(-0.23,0.7303284),
# vgm.model= modisVGM, parallel.processing=TRUE)
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