require(stats) # for lm
## get the function "myFun" -- throw an error if 0 or > 1 versions visible:
findFuncStrict <- function(fName) {
allF <- findFunction(fName)
if(length(allF) == 0)
stop("No versions of ",fName," visible")
else if(length(allF) > 1)
stop(fName," is ambiguous: ", length(allF), " versions")
get(fName, allF[[1]])
try(findFuncStrict("myFun"))# Error: no version
lm <- function(x) x+1
try(findFuncStrict("lm"))# Error: 2 versions
findFuncStrict("findFuncStrict")# just 1 version
## method dumping ------------------------------------
setClass("A", slots = c(a="numeric"))
setMethod("plot", "A", function(x,y,...){ cat("A meth\n") })
dumpMethod("plot","A", file="")
setMethod("plot", "A",
function (x, y, ...)
<!-- %dont -->
tmp <- tempfile()
dumpMethod("plot","A", file=tmp)
## now remove, and see if we can parse the dump
stopifnot(removeMethod("plot", "A"))
stopifnot(is(getMethod("plot", "A"), "MethodDefinition"))
## same with dumpMethods() :
setClass("B", contains="A")
setMethod("plot", "B", function(x,y,...){ cat("B ...\n") })
dumpMethods("plot", file=tmp)
stopifnot(removeMethod("plot", "A"),
removeMethod("plot", "B"))
stopifnot(is(getMethod("plot", "A"), "MethodDefinition"),
is(getMethod("plot", "B"), "MethodDefinition"))
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