cbind2(1:3, 4)
m <- matrix(3:8, 2,3, dimnames=list(c("a","b"), LETTERS[1:3]))
cbind2(1:2, m) # keeps dimnames from m
## rbind() and cbind() now make use of rbind2()/cbind2() methods
setClass("Num", contains="numeric")
setMethod("cbind2", c("Num", "missing"),
function(x,y, ...) { cat("Num-miss--meth\n"); as.matrix(x)})
setMethod("cbind2", c("Num","ANY"), function(x,y, ...) {
cat("Num-A.--method\n") ; cbind(getDataPart(x), y, ...) })
setMethod("cbind2", c("ANY","Num"), function(x,y, ...) {
cat("A.-Num--method\n") ; cbind(x, getDataPart(y), ...) })
a <- new("Num", 1:3)
cbind(a, four=4, 7:9)# calling cbind2() twice
cbind(m,a, ch=c("D","E"), a*3)
cbind(1,a, m) # ok with a warning
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