dat <- iris
drename(dat) <- ~.
dat$time <- runif(nrow(dat))
dat$time1 <- runif(nrow(dat))
dat$status <- rbinom(nrow(dat),1,0.5)
dat$S1 <- with(dat, Surv(time,status))
dat$S2 <- with(dat, Surv(time1,status))
dat$id <- 1:nrow(dat)
mm <- dreg(dat, "*.length"~"*.width"|I(species=="setosa" & status==1))
mm <- dreg(dat, "*.length"~"*.width"|species+status)
mm <- dreg(dat, "*.length"~"*.width"|species)
mm <- dreg(dat, "*.length"~"*.width"|species+status,z.arg="group")
## Reduce Ex.Timings
y <- "S*"~"*.width"
xs <- dreg(dat, y, fun.=phreg)
xs <- dreg(dat, y, fun.=survdiff)
y <- "S*"~"*.width"
xs <- dreg(dat, y, x.oneatatime=FALSE, fun.=phreg)
## under condition
y <- S1~"*.width"|I(species=="setosa" & sepal.width>3)
xs <- dreg(dat, y, z.arg="condition", fun.=phreg)
xs <- dreg(dat, y, fun.=phreg)
## under condition
y <- S1~"*.width"|species=="setosa"
xs <- dreg(dat, y, z.arg="condition", fun.=phreg)
xs <- dreg(dat, y, fun.=phreg)
## with baseline after |
y <- S1~"*.width"|sepal.length
xs <- dreg(dat, y, fun.=phreg)
## by group by species, not working
y <- S1~"*.width"|species
ss <- split(dat, paste(dat$species, dat$status))
xs <- dreg(dat, y, fun.=phreg)
## species as base, species is factor so assumes that this is grouping
y <- S1~"*.width"|species
xs <- dreg(dat, y, z.arg="base", fun.=phreg)
## background var after | and then one of x's at at time
y <- S1~"*.width"|status+"sepal*"
xs <- dreg(dat, y, fun.=phreg)
## background var after | and then one of x's at at time
##y <- S1~"*.width"|status+"sepal*"
##xs <- dreg(dat, y, x.oneatatime=FALSE, fun.=phreg)
##xs <- dreg(dat, y, fun.=phreg)
## background var after | and then one of x's at at time
##y <- S1~"*.width"+factor(species)
##xs <- dreg(dat, y, fun.=phreg)
##xs <- dreg(dat, y, fun.=phreg, x.oneatatime=FALSE)
y <- S1~"*.width"|factor(species)
xs <- dreg(dat, y, z.arg="base", fun.=phreg)
y <- S1~"*.width"|cluster(id)+factor(species)
xs <- dreg(dat, y, z.arg="base", fun.=phreg)
xs <- dreg(dat, y, z.arg="base", fun.=coxph)
## under condition with groups
y <- S1~"*.width"|I(sepal.length>4)
xs <- dreg(subset(dat, species=="setosa"), y,z.arg="group",fun.=phreg)
## under condition with groups
y <- S1~"*.width"+I(log(sepal.length))|I(sepal.length>4)
xs <- dreg(subset(dat, species=="setosa"), y,z.arg="group",fun.=phreg)
y <- S1~"*.width"+I(dcut(sepal.length))|I(sepal.length>4)
xs <- dreg(subset(dat,species=="setosa"), y,z.arg="group",fun.=phreg)
ff <- function(formula,data,...) {
ss <- survfit(formula,data,...)
if (interactive()) {
dcut(dat) <- ~"*.width"
y <- S1~"*.4"|I(sepal.length>4)
par(mfrow=c(1, 2))
xs <- dreg(dat, y, fun.=ff)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab