This is thus also the cumulative odds model, since
P(T \leq t | x) = \frac{G(t) \exp(x \beta) }{1 + G(t) exp( x \beta) }
The baseline \(G(t)\) is written as \(cumsum(exp(\alpha))\) and this is not the standard
parametrization that takes log of \(G(t)\) as the parameters.
Input are intervals given by ]t_l,t_r] where t_r can be infinity for right-censored intervals
When truly discrete ]0,1] will be an observation at 1, and ]j,j+1] will be an observation at j+1
Likelihood is maximized:
\prod P(T_i >t_{il} | x) - P(T_i> t_{ir}| x)