Considers the ratio of means $$E(N(min(D,t)))/E(min(D,t))$$ and the the mean of the events per time unit $$E(N(min(D,t))/min(D,t))$$ both based on IPCW etimation. RMST estimator equivalent to Kaplan-Meier based estimator.
time = NULL,
cens.code = 0,
cause = 1,
death.code = 2,
trans = NULL,
cens.formula = NULL,
augmentR = NULL,
augmentC = NULL,
type = NULL,
Event formula first covariate on rhs must be a factor giving the treatment
data frame
for estimation
of censorings
of events
of terminal events
possible power for mean of events per time-unit
censoring model, default is to use strata(treatment)
covariates for model of mean ratio
covariates for censoring augmentation
augmentation for call of binreg, when augmentC is given default is "I" and otherwise "II"
arguments for binregATE
Thomas Scheike